Made it to Peru

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

WOW what a week. Full of so many highs, some lows, and all the in betweens, but overall such an incredible week! I am so grateful to be a missionary! So much has happened, and my thoughts are all scattered, so I will try to compose my thoughts. Ok, LIMA. This city is so funny haha from the little bit I've seen of it, it is super run down but then there will be random really nice car dealerships and it just doesn't really make sense haha. We were able to go to the temple today which was amazing! It was so beautiful, and the temple grounds were stunning as well. The CCM is such a cool place. It is really small, so I feel like I know pretty much every missionary here. haha there are only a few districts, but its awesome. Everyone is SO friendly. Our teachers are AMAZING. They are so inspired and they may not speak great English because they're natives, but that's okay because it helps my Spanish! There are just 3 buildings here at the CCM, a basketball court (or a driveway, its used for both) , volleyball court, "workout machines" aka playground equipment haha (but the native elders go hard core on this equipment, haha I will send pictures of these "machines" then you will understand what I mean. The food is pretty good here. I haven't had much of an appetite since I've been here, but they have good options to choose from. They have good salads and chicken:) My companion is Hermana McFarland, from Morgan, Utah and we actually followed each other on Instagram before we came here! haha. My district is fun. The boys are a little immature, but they're all good kids. Every single hermana and elder just graduated, so i am the oldest! I would say that there are about 100 missionaries here (that includes native missionaries as well). I LOVE the native hermanas. Although I cant speak fluent Spanish with them, I can get by and they are so sweet, hugging, and loving. Gets me so excited to meet the people of Arequipa. 

Highlights of the week: The first night I was here, we had a devotional for the whole MTC and I was asked to play the piano! I played called to serve and the whole congregation sang along & the spirit was so strong. They told me I will be playing the piano a lot more so yay:) Physical activity is a highlight of everyday. We get 1 hour for this. I have a friend here going to Trujillo, Hermana Higginson, who loves to run so we run together everyday! Family, you'd be so proud of me, I'm actually able to run with other people, and not just by myself haha. & I have played some basketball with a few of the hermanas, haha call me curry because I have won speed almost every time! also, I get my fair share of handstands in during physical activity, and all of the missionaries (especially the elders) are amazed at how long I can walk on my hands. Whenever we go outside for physical activity they're like "hermana! do some tricks! walk on your hands!" Right now we are teaching 2 (fake) investigators, completely in Spanish. I repeat, ONLY in Spanish. Its so hard, but I am learning so much and it is great prep! I am already starting to see the gift of tongues. Church here on Sundays is 10 hours. not even kidding, 10 hours of classes plus sacrament. But it is amazing and the spirit is so strong! I have never learned so much on a Sunday in my entire life haha.

Random facts here: we cant chew gum:( We are NOT allowed to call anyone by first names or "guys" or anything like that. only elder or hermana. All of the natives here cant pronounce my last name, so i am just hermana "good". At the CCM you can always hear police sirens going off in the city and last night we went to bed to the sound of gun shots.. but don't worry mom! We are safe here. I feel like Rapunzel from tangled when she just wants to get out to see the lights, but she cant leave the castle haha. Also one of my teachers looks identical to the priest on nacho libre and it makes me so happy every time I see him. Oh and, There are ants and spiders everywhere here, but you kind of get used to it! 

Ok elder COOK came last weekend to speak with us, and it was unreallll. He spoke to us missionaries at the CCM, and all of the missionaries in the Lima East mission came to listen as well. It was so cool because I saw my friend Hermana (haylee) Evans who is serving in that mission! It was so good to see her, such a tender mercy. I have to share a few of my notes from Elder Cooks talk because it was just that good. He started out with emphasizing that us missionaries need to learn the doctrine, and get it in our hearts. We cant just memorize lessons, we need to make them a PART of us. This is a spiritual work and every part of it NEEDS to be done by the spirit; this is the lords church and he is establishing it by his missionaries. Live so that the spirit can be with you to bless others. The 2 best ways to be a missionary: humility and diligence. We need to: 1. Love our companions. 2. Love the people. 3. Love the mission president and his wife. and 4. Love the savior. My favorite thing he said was "The mission isn't just about YOU. It blesses all those you care about and there WILL be a day when you will come to realize that. Especially with your family at home, your future spouse, and your future children." Ah I wish you guys could've felt the spirit that was here in that room when he was speaking. It was amazing! . I miss you more than you know, but I know this is where the Lord needs me. Love love love you all!