Avensados and Avacados

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Whoa this week flew. And we are officially the "old" avenzado missionaries here now! Missionaries only come and leave this MTC every 3 weeks, so lots are leaving tonight and coming tomorrow. Today we are preparing for them to come and that's why I'm writing a day earlier this week! Don't have much time to write, so I will keep this short, but a few things: My companion and I were made the sister leaders of the new hermanas coming in! I am so excited to meet all of them and rumor has it, there are a few of the natives coming who are going to arequipa with us:) There were a couple earthquakes this week which were fun. haha They were just little. One of them happened while we were in class and I was staring at our little classrom TV just imagining it falling and Jaren running to save it like our Hawaii earthquake haha. The peruvian food is good, but my stomach is thinking otherwise.. haha I am forgetting what it feels like to have a settled stomach! Oh random highlight from the week: A couple days ago they had avocados for dinner with our salads and mmmm I forgot how good avocados are. It made me so happy! Oh the saddest thing happened last night. My camera fell and is having troubles working. So sorry if these next couple weeks not as many pictures are sent! I am going to borrow my companion's camera for now with my memory card, and hopefully I can get mine figured out. This week on Saturday we are going out into the city to prostelyte! I am so excited! Also, we found out last night that they will be breaking grounds for the Arequipa temple next month, YAY! Did any of you see that? So stoked. Well all is well here, still studying spanish like crazy and I loveee my savior:) Talk to you all soon!

2 Nephi 31:20

Hermana Wood

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