Semana 2

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Week 2 is in the books! Its been such a great week. I hope you all had an amazing week as well! Is the weather freezing in Utah? It is so warm here! It's in the 80s everyday and super humid. I keep forgetting that it's winter over there! This week was super similar to last week. The days seem to run like this: 6:30-wake up. get ready. personal study. breakfast. language study. companion study. teach investigator. more language study. lunch. more language studying. physical activity. some type of "gift of tongues" class. dinner. practice teaching or Book of Mormon personal study. teach investigator. district planning. personal quiet/studying time. 10:30- lights out. sleep. repeat. so lots of classes everyday, but I am learning so much!

I love Sundays here. Sundays are all in english which is nice because they want us to feel the spirit in our native tongue. I have to share a story from sacrament meeting this past Sunday. When we got here to the CCM, we were given a paper with a topic for each Sunday we are here. Each missionary has to prepare a talk each week on each of the topics. After the ordinance of the sacrament, the branch presidency asks (without notice) 4 missionaries to speak. It has to be 5 minutes and completely in spanish. (this is the only spanish we hear on Sundays) If you are in your first 3 weeks here at the CCM you are considered a precipiante (beginner), if you are in your last 3 weeks here, you are considered an avensado (advanced). We were told when we got here that the first 2 Sundays, only the avensados are asked to speak in sacrament, but to still prepare a talk just in case. The topic for this past Sunday was repentance & guess who got called on to talk? Hermana Wood. Just my luck! haha So there I was speaking along with 3 other avensados and everyone was shocked I got picked. I had some thoughts written down, but didn't prepare a whole talk because I was just not expecting to be called out at all. I was so nervous, but WOW the gift of tongues is REAL. I gave a full 5 minute talk completely in spanish and it flowed perfectly. I hardly even had to glance down at my notes. I really couldn't believe it! President was talking to me after & asked how I already knew so much spanish. haha I told him it wasn't me, it was the spirit! He said he never asks precipiantes to speak in their second week here, but for some reason he just really felt inspired to ask me to speak. So yeah, that was the crazy miracle that happened this week.

I LOVE spanish! It's crazy how much you can learn with the spirit. This week we got another investigator, so we teach one investigator in the morning and one at night. It is such great practice for us. My companion is great! We are pretty different, but we are getting along really well and she's a super hard worker. Something that me and her have been doing everyday is an "english fast" so every morning we will fast from english until lunch. AKA we can only speak spanish till lunch. It is helping a lot.

Yesterday morning the food caught up to me and I woke up with a sick stomach. I had to see the doctor here and he wouldn't let me go to classes, he said I had to sleep. But another tender mercy, because by the afternoon I was feeling so much better and today I feel totally fine! Thank you all so much for the prayer and love and support. I really can feel them everyday. I can really feel the Lord breaking me down and building me up into the missionary that he wants me to be. My testimony has already grown so much in the short 2 weeks that I've been here! I love the CCM! Love you all more than words can describe. Until next week!

Alma 7:23

Hermana Wood

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