Arrived in Arequipa

Sunday, March 5, 2017

I was told to write a quick email to let you all know I arrived safely in beautiful Arequipa:) So sorry I don't have time to read emails right now or write anyone personally, but I can do that on Monday! We arrived here 2 days ago and I already feel like I have been here for so long! We arrived at the airport and President and Sister Johnson were there waiting for us. They are the best and so nice! On our way from the airport we stopped at the spot where the new temple will be which was really cool. Then we had a little orientation at a chapel and were sent off to our areas. I have the BEST trainer ever. I am so lucky! Haha so funny, when we arrived at the chapel to meet our trainers, I noticed my trainer first. (not knowing she would be my companion) and I knew somehow that she was for me. And last week, the trainers saw pictures of the new missionaries coming in and my comp pointed to the picture of me and told everyone she would have me as her companion.. it was meant to be! ha. She is from Argentina so she doesn't really speak English, but she is just the sweetest and so patient. She has 9 months in the mission and is just the most perfect missionary. She is exactly what I needed! Spanish is so hard and I have so much to learn, but I'm excited to just be getting to work. We are opening a new area here and we have met some members from the ward who so far are all really nice. Our pencionista is really nice as well and we eat all 3 meals with her. And we are in the same area as President and Sister Johnson, yay! We are definitely in a third world country though! I think I took the showers and bathrooms in the CCM for granted:) But the area here is so beautiful. I am safe, and I can update you all more next week! Also, quick shoutout to Jaren and Savannah, CONGRATS!!! SO excited to be gaining Savannah as a sister:) Love you all so much and I will talk to you all soon!

Lots of love,
Hermana Wood

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