Se bautizó Vanessa:)

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Buenos días! Hope everyone is doing great.

This week was a real good one with a happy baptism for Vanessa! She got married Saturday in the morning, baptized at 2pm, and all the ward members threw her a fiesta that night in the church. She was SO happy and just beaming light! Now their family is complete in the church, and willing to keep all the commandments. She said as she got married, and baptized, she has given herself over to the Lord and is willing to do his will. With her husband, they said May 26th of 2019 they will be traveling to Lima to go to the temple.. next goal! So so happy for them:)

That was the biggest highlight of this week, and there were many funny stories of the week as well. Just one, to give an example.. we were contacting in the park one day and we talked to a sweet lady who is pretty sick, and losing her memory. (But it doesn't seem like it, she had a lot of energy) turns out she is a member of the church, but she moved a few years back, and with the move went inactive. She said she is in her last days, and feels like she is slowly fading away.. she doesn't remember much from the church, but she remembered something about priesthood blessings. She cut us off mid conversation telling my companion to put her hands over her head to give her a blessing. Uhhhh.. we explained to her we don't have this priesthood, but we could talk to another brother to help her out. She got mad and insisted we give her the blessing in that moment. again, explaining it doesn't work that way, she yelled at us saying "At least just put your hands on my head, I know you have power!!!!" Well, we ended up just saying a prayer with her, and it helped her calm down. But these are the things we see everyday. haha.

Well, things are going well here and it is so crazy how fast time is flying. I love love love being a missionary and I am so happy in Peru! Love this gospel, my calling, my Father in Heaven and Savior, and all of you! Thanks for all the prayers and support. Have an amazing week!

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