
Monday, July 9, 2018

Well, I am feeling many mixed emotions as these 18 months come to a close, but more than anything, I am feeling so grateful to my loving Father in Heaven. 

Grateful for this incredible opportunity to serve is children of Perú. Grateful for an arm injury that provided a way out here on the mission:) Grateful to have the Church of Jesus Christ restored on earth today. Grateful for God's perfect plan of happiness. Grateful that families are eternal. Grateful for a selfless redeemer who knows me, loves me, and paid the price for me. Grateful for my weaknesses which humble me, helping me improve and come to better know my Savior. Grateful for God's infinite love. Grateful for the many times I have fallen to my knees in prayer, receiving HIS strength to keep pushing forward. Grateful for the Book of Mormon-the keystone of my testimony. Grateful for the rejections and doors slammed in our faces that have given me the opportunity to prove my comittment to the Lord-signs to me of the fact that God LIVES, and affirmations of the righteousness of my mission. Grateful to have the knowledge that I am a daughter of God. Grateful to have a prophet on earth leading and guiding us. Grateful for the coutless miracles I have seen-helping me gain my unshakeable testimony. Grateful to have the greatest family, friends, supporters, and examples in my life. Grateful for the amazing people of Perú who have changed my heart forever. 

I testify that this is the true and living church of Jesus Christ because our living Savior stands at the head. I can truely say that serving this mission has been the best and most rewarding decision I have ever made. I love my Father in Heaven. I love his son, Jesus Christ. I love all of you, and I LOVE the people of Perú. Amo esta gran obra con todo mi corazón y nunca la voy a dejar. Thank you for all the love, prayers and support these past 18 months. I am oh, so grateful!

 "Wrapped in the arms of my Saviors love,

  I feel his gentle touch. 

  Living each day I will follow his way,

  Home to my father above.

  I know he lives! I will follow faithfully.

  My heart I give to him.

  I know that my Savior loves me."

xoxo, see you so soon!

Hermana Wood- la misión Perú, Arequipa.

3 Nephi 5:13

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