Aldo put this into overtime

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Bueno.. this week was really hard, but really good. I have a testimony that obedience brings blessings, but exact obedience brings miracles! 

As it says in D&C 58:4: "For after much tribulation come the blessings". I've realized how in my mission the very best days usually come after some of the very hardest days. Tuesday I got sicker than I've been my whole mission. It was the weirdest thing and I won't go into detail, but the nurse said I would most likely be staying in bed for 4 days. Well, I was super bummed. I was just asking my Father in Heaven for the strength to get out & at least visit our investigators. I got a blessing the same day, and Wednesday when I woke up, I obviously wasn't back to normal, but I had energy and we were able to leave to work! 

We went to visit Aldo with the intentions to leave him for a little bit, because he likes the visits, but has not been progressing. But, we had the best lesson with him and the tables turned... he received his answer that these things are true! He had been praying & asking if this is the true church & on Monday after asking in his nightly prayer, the answer came. He said that he opened his eyes seeing a bright light, as he felt a happy sensation and something strong in his chest. He studdered not knowing how to describe it, but he knows this was the Lord's way of telling him that these things are true. God answers prayers! Aldo has a baptism date for July 7th... miracle. 

We saw many miracles with our investigators this week, and it strengthens my testimony that God is so real and is so personally involved in each and every one of our lives! Oh and now my health is completely fine. The priesthood is real! I think that blessing I recieved on Tuesday was my lifesaver this week. As it says in D&C 121, the rights of the priesthood are inseperable connected with the powers of heaven & handled upon the principles of righteousness. The priesthood is such a blessing, and we are so blessed to have the priesthood restored on earth today! I am so grateful and humbled to be a missionary. 

Thank you for all the support and prayers, they mean more than you know! I hope you all have a maravillosa week! xoxo

D&C 121:7-8

hermana Wood

Pics: pday adventures with the other sisters, our area, & we love when the young women visit with us!

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