Final Week in the CCM!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Hope you all had such a great week! I can't believe we head out to Arequipa in just a few days, YAY! The CCM is great and all, but I'm so ready to just get out into the field. Highlight of this week was proselyting on Saturday. It was such a cool experience. We split up and half the Avenzados went with the Lima East missionaries and our half went with the Lima South. I was paired up with the cutest missionary from Ecuador who has 3 months left on her mission. She spoke practically no english, but that was great practice for me. We weren't teaching any lessons, we were just contacting in the streets. I could not believe how many people were so willing to listen to us and hear our message. These people had practically nothing and were living in the smallest of shacks, but they were still so friendly and kind. We handed out so many pass along cards and got about 11 new contacts. Gosh they speak Spanish so fast and I couldn't say much, but I was able to testify here and there. My companion was so loving and encouraging. It got me so stoked for Arequipa! I can't wait to teach real investigators and make it to Arequipa THIS WEEK! Let's hope these next few days fly:) Talk to you soon!

Mosiah 2:41
Hermana Wood

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