Let Freedom Ring (Happy Fourth!)

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Happy Monday! 

I can't believe it is already July? How is time passing by so fast! This week was so productive and really happy. Father in Heaven is so mindful of us and we continue to see bastantes miracles! 

So remember when I talked about Mary Luz? We have been teaching her mom (Octulia) and her sister (Rosario) and they are SO prepared. Lessons with them are the happiest, because the spirit moves us every time. They are loving going to church, and are really putting God in first place in their lives. In all of our lessons with them, they always ask in their prayers that we can keep visiting them forever. :) So sweet. They comitted to being baptized in July, the week after I leave, but I am just so happy they will be members real soon! Aldo is still great, but due to his busy work schedule it looks like we will need to postpone his baptism another week. 

We met Paty this week who is also so amazing! We were teaching her boss at work and he introduced us to her, saying she would be more interested than him ha. She is 28 and so cute. She loves to read, watch movies, and is just so... how do I say it... innocent. She seems like she's already a member, and after reading one chapter of the Book of Mormon, she knew "without a doubt" the book is true. Excited to see more progress with her this week!

About 3 weeks ago, I realized I wanted to read the Book of Mormon again cover to cover before finishing the mission. It has been the best read yet of the BOM (learning more than ever before), so good that I am already finishing it tomorrow. The Book of Mormon is POWERFUL. It moves me everytime I read it. Go apply it in your lives. love love love this book, it's the best ever!

So everyone keeps telling me I am dying (in mission life) & this week I was reminded of one of Jaren's last mission emails. Remember in 2006 the greatest game? when BYU was losing to the utes until 3 seconds left on the clock when Johnny Harline caught that pass in the enzone winning the game for the cougs? Well, I like thinking of that game and remembering it's not over till it's over!!! I know in the last few seconds of my mission life we will keep seeing big miracles. That is driving me mucho! Thank you for all for being the greatest supporters, have an amazing week! xo

hermana Wood

Mosiah 7:33

pics: hector is the best helper, the peruvian dogs, these little carts that everyone uses look straight out of nacho libre right? , views

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