Byeee Zamacola . . . !

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Transfers!!!! Yeah just have to say sorry for a million pictures this week, but I guess that's what happens when there are transfers in the mission. I am leaving Zamacola for Mirador! and I guess President likes pulling these fast ones on me, because I am opening this area of Mirador and going back to being an hermana leader... but the happiest news: my companion is Hermana POULSON!!! She is one of my very best friends and we are so stoked to get to work together!! She has been out in the mission for almost a year and is from Eden, UT.

We couldn't believe it when they told us we are going to be comps.. blessed! haah. Hermana Cejas will be staying in Zamacola and I really will miss her MUCHO! She is such an amazing missionary and I am so proud of her :). Mirador has the temple grounds so we will be able to see it going up a little more everyday! (blessed again) and it has more of the downtown part of Arequipa with the mission office and with shopping and business.

It was pretty hard to leave zamacola.. I get too attatched to these people too fast! My pencionista and her family have totally been my family in Zamacola and saying bye to them, the members, Mery, and a few other investigators was so sad. I do have to say, I think this past week was one of our happiest weeks in Zamacola! We had such a spirit filled week with some powerful lessons and a couple new investigators that are progressing. I am so happy that Hermana Cejas will be staying there to see the fruits of our work! I will be giving lots more updates next week!

Go have such a great week and you all better watch every minute of conference :) How lucky are we to have a prophet in the earth today? blessed again! Nos vemosss!

Hermana Wood

1 nephi 3:7

I think the pictures will explain this week better thank words.. xo! My pencionista and her family made me a going away bbq for the final supper. & I asked them if I could leave my mark in their house.. they said yeah so I did this to their wall! and Karen (who was inactive but now preparing for her mission) and her parents!

Hello to my favorites! 

Hope you all had una gran semana :) Not going to lie, this week broke my heart in lots of little ways! Saddest parts: we won't be working with Julia and Eros anymore... for now. Julia's daughter was here from Lima last week. She is Jehovah's Witness, and talked awfully about our church to Julia. Julia is so confused and sad and she told us that for now, it is better that we are not teaching her. Seriously broke my heart! To see that someone has felt the spirit so strong, answered her prayers, and been so excited for her baptism, and then all of a sudden-no more. Doesn't mean that the fasts and prayers for her won't stop.. I know she will accept one day!

Eros: threw us a CURVE ball and long story short, his baptism will be postponed for a few months.

But highlight of the week: Saturday we met Mery. She is 35, has 3 kids, works in a hair salon, and has never belonged to a religion (the first time I have heard in my mission that someone hasn't had a religion.. everyone is catholic here! haha). She is seriously an angel, so so sweet! She has such a good heart, and from the moment we met her I felt something special. We taught her about the restoration Saturday and she said it makes perfect sense. She offered the final prayer and said it was the first time she has ever prayed. EVER!!! Honestly it was such a sweet prayer that I think I will always remember. She is so humble and I really believe that she is ready! She came to church yesterday and we have another lesson with her today. It's amazing here in the mission how after the hardest days, come the greatest blessings.

I am so beyond grateful for my calling as a missionary! To be an instrument in the hands of the Lord is such an incredible blessing. This gospel is seriously the happiest news in the whole world! I love this great work and I love you all! Have a real happy week :)

&&Happy birthday shoutout sunday to the most beautiful mom in the entire world! 

Alma 31:30-35

Hermana Wood

Pics: We had multizone conference this week and I was able to see Hna Stoutttt! (ah I was also able to play the musical number and I have been playing the piano lots lately!) My cute companion, and my favorite Hermana Poulson. Santiago in his spongebob costume, he is the cutest. And my hair is growing and growing ha


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Hello fam!!!

Sending lots of prayers to Houston! Even the people of Zamacola here are talking about the flooding in Houston and it is such a miracle to hear that (my family in Houston)-you guys are all alright.

Hope everyone is doing greatThis week was good!

I think that the highlight of the week was going back to Alto Selva Alegre for a day to have divisions with the Hermana Leaders. Whoa I miss my family of Selva Alegre so much! We were able to have a lesson with Mary and Laura, and Jazmin and to see that they are all faithful in the church makes me oh so happy. A cool experience-About 4 months ago Hermana Alais and I contacted a sweet lady, Milena, who works in a little book shop. We shared a message with her, and she said she liked our message, but she wasn't going to change her religion. We left her with a Book of Mormon, and told her we would visit her later on. We never had the chance to visit her again because when we went to the book shop she wasn't there, or the shop was closed. When we had divisions this week, one of the appointments fell through and we were close to that book shop. I told hermana Narbaez about Milena, and we went to visit her in the book shop. Such a cool experience! The first thing she said was, "It's about time you came back to visit me!" She was straight up with us and told us that she threw the Book of Mormon to a book shelf without the intentions to ever read it. Her daughter who is 18 years old found the Book of Mormon and read it. She read the whole thing. Milena told us her daughter was atheist before, but read the book and said now she can't deny the fact that God is real, and that he lives. Milena thanked and thanked us and is so interested in what we have to teach. We had such a great lesson with her, and the Hermana leaders are going to keep teaching her and her daughter.

The Book of Mormon changes lives. It has changed mine, and I am seeing it change the lives of others every single day! Eros and Julia are still progressing. Julia was with her family from Lima this week so we didn't have a ton of contact with her, but she is still doing well. We had contact with Eros every day this week and his testimony is growing so much! & We have a family night with him today and President Johnson is going to come, WOOT! ha. Neli was able to come to the church and she really liked it:) We had a chicharron activity of the ward this week to raise money so that the young women and men of our ward can take a temple trip! It was a great activity with food, soccer, volleyball, and more! We were able to meet 2 families of non members that came and we are excited to teach them this week!

Thank you for all the love, support, and prayers. I can seriously feel the prayers everyday! Go have a happy week and find someone to serve! Favorite thing I read this week: "When others´needs start to matter more than our own, and when others successes are more exciting to us than our own, we are beginning to experience the kind of love that our father in Heaven and our Savior have for us. It is a love without dimension. It has no boundaries. No limitations. It is pure. It is infinite. It is eternal. Oh, how I want to have more of this kind of love for others." XO

Alma 29:9

hermana wood 

Pics: chicharron activity, My favorite little Jady from selva alegre, and happy birthday to Rafaelita :)