Byeee Zamacola . . . !

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Transfers!!!! Yeah just have to say sorry for a million pictures this week, but I guess that's what happens when there are transfers in the mission. I am leaving Zamacola for Mirador! and I guess President likes pulling these fast ones on me, because I am opening this area of Mirador and going back to being an hermana leader... but the happiest news: my companion is Hermana POULSON!!! She is one of my very best friends and we are so stoked to get to work together!! She has been out in the mission for almost a year and is from Eden, UT.

We couldn't believe it when they told us we are going to be comps.. blessed! haah. Hermana Cejas will be staying in Zamacola and I really will miss her MUCHO! She is such an amazing missionary and I am so proud of her :). Mirador has the temple grounds so we will be able to see it going up a little more everyday! (blessed again) and it has more of the downtown part of Arequipa with the mission office and with shopping and business.

It was pretty hard to leave zamacola.. I get too attatched to these people too fast! My pencionista and her family have totally been my family in Zamacola and saying bye to them, the members, Mery, and a few other investigators was so sad. I do have to say, I think this past week was one of our happiest weeks in Zamacola! We had such a spirit filled week with some powerful lessons and a couple new investigators that are progressing. I am so happy that Hermana Cejas will be staying there to see the fruits of our work! I will be giving lots more updates next week!

Go have such a great week and you all better watch every minute of conference :) How lucky are we to have a prophet in the earth today? blessed again! Nos vemosss!

Hermana Wood

1 nephi 3:7

I think the pictures will explain this week better thank words.. xo! My pencionista and her family made me a going away bbq for the final supper. & I asked them if I could leave my mark in their house.. they said yeah so I did this to their wall! and Karen (who was inactive but now preparing for her mission) and her parents!

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