Week of Craziness

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Enserio, una semana loca. But sounds like the week was even crazier for you guys.. Jaren and Megs, breaks my heart the things you passed through this week! Praying big time for you guys.

Many weird things happened this week like no water in Arequipa, some people very mad that we knocked their doors, some new interesting foods, but most of all.. a new companion! So there were a bunch of changes over here in our mission, but hermana Suarez went to Moquegua and Hermana Gentry came to be my companion. She is in her training, so I am sticking around training, but just a new Gringa companion! Hermana Genty is from California, and she is just the best. I totally feel like I'm just with one of my best friends from the Y as my comp. She is the sweetest and we get along great!

One of the miracles from this week happened the day hermana Gentry got here. One of our appointments fell through so we started street contacting. We got to a hill where the street broke off in 2 parts. We said a little prayer to know which street to choose, and listening to the spirit, chose the left street. Literally 5 seconds later, we ran into Flor. She is such a sweet lady and told us that her twin daughters (21 years old) got baptized in our church 5 years ago. Because of college studies, they have fallen away from the church, and Flor is so worried about them. She was also listening to the missionaries 5 years ago, but for some problems that she had with her husband, she didn't get baptized. But in these past couple years, worked out all the the problems with her husband and she is so receptive, willing to follow the Savior. We were able to have an appointment with her the next day and the spirit we AND she felt in the lesson was undeniable. Excited to see what happens with hermana Flor!

This week we did an area attack as a district in the elders' area. Usually in an area attack, we just take tons of pamphlets, and cards with Christ's picture, and contact like crazies. But this time we wanted to mix it up a little. A sister from my district plays the violin, an elder plays the guitar, the rest of the missionaries sing, and I play the piano, so we were able to find one of the keyboard pianos, and we went to a market playing/singing straight hymns. The missionaries not singing were contacting, and so many people stopped to listen to us, and agreed to listen to the missionaries. It was a fun area attack.

Other highlight of the week.. Vanesa passed her interview and is all ready for her baptism on Saturday! Also, all of her family from Lima (none are members) are coming here this week for her wedding and baptism as well. yayyyy.

This week we were able to meet a few new families & it has had me pondering on the difference of the families with the gospel of Jesus Christ & the families living without the gospel of Jesus Christ. The families really live SO much happier and united when they are based on the teachings of the Savior, and when the family takes over the highest priority of the parents. The adversary is attacking so hard against the families. It is so important that in our families we stick to the gospel basics that make a huge difference. Family prayer. family scripture study everyday. going to church together. serving others. and weekly family nights! I love Nephi's example. He always led with love and righteousness. He not only protected and provided for his people, but for his family as well. He wrote, in 2 Nephi 5:27, "and it came to pass that we lived after the manner of happiness." LIVE the gospel of Jesus Christ in your families and you will live after the manner of happiness. The home is the most important place to learn the gospel. I often wonder.. how did I ever get so lucky to have a family strong in the gospel? so blessed. :)

I hope you all have a happy week! Remember, happiness is a choice, not some random event. :) Love you all!

Hermana Wood

Mosiah 28:3

fotos: area attack, pdays with gabyyy, misti

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