Poco a Poco

Monday, May 7, 2018

¡Buenas tardes! Hope you are all doing well and staying faithful. :) 

The work is picking up slowly but surely over here in Las Torres! We do have an investigator, Vanesa, who is awesome. Her "husband" is a member, and her kids are members as well (including one of her sons is a returned missionary). She has listened to the missionaries for a while, but she finally received her answer and wants to be baptized! The thing is that she just has to get married. We have been working a lot with her on her papers and all that, and her wedding will be the 26th of May (in the morning) and she will be baptized the same day in the afternoon. She was our big miracle of the week!

It is fun to be back in Arequipa and seeing Misti (the volcano) everyday. Our area is full of hills, and plenty of dogs.. but it is a pretty area. and really big!! The members here are so sweet and willing to help us.

Sorry for a short email, but excited to see your faces on Sunday over skype! Les amo!

hermana Wood

1 Nephi 19:9

Pics: misti, the food our investigators give us.. (impossible to not gain weight in peru haha:), and this statue that looks a little like Joseph Smith

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