Mari Luz Miracle

Monday, June 18, 2018

Well, I got my last transfer call on Saturday that said I will be finishing things up here in Las Torres with Hermana Gentry! SO STOKED. This week was full of miracles. Every day I feel a little more humbled and grateful to be a missionary. 

So short on time so just gonna share 1 of the big miracles: So our cute pencionista, Norelis, is the young women's pres. and she gave us a referral about 2 weeks ago. There is a 17 year old from our ward, Mari Luz, she has 4 siblings, and is the only member of her family. Norelis told us how awesome Mari Luz is and said how we need to visit/get to know her family. She gave us Mari Luz´s phone number but didn't have her address. So we have been calling and calling, but she doesn't answer. We were thinking last week, oh we will just talk to her at church to plan a time to visit her, but she didn't go to church last week. But literally my comp and I everyday of the last 2 weeks have been calling her, praying for her, and talking about how we need to get ahold of her. So a few days ago we went to visit Graciela, but she wasn't home. Our area is huge, and she lives at one of the limits of the area. We literally have to hike up and over a few hills to get to her house ha. We left her house thinking we would go visit a different investigator, (because we don't know the area well where Graciela lives) but when we were about to hike that hill again, we both got a really strong impression that we had to stay on Graciela's street. so.. we just started to knock doors of that street. After about a half hour of knocking doors, a cute teenager opened up the door saying she was a member of the church. Us:"What is your name?" Her:"Mari Luz".. my companion and I looked at eachother in shock... what!! Such a tender mercy! She invited us to visit her family, and yesterday her mom and sister came to church with her! Real big testimony builder for me.. that God answers prayers, and that when we are led by the holy ghost, we see miracles. 

It has had me thinking that we really are so blessed as members of the church to have the gift of the holy ghost. To guide us, warn us, comfort us, testify of truth. We have heard the voice of the Lord if we have listened to the holy ghost. Our loving father in Heaven knew that this life would have many trials, hardships and that we would have many questions, temptations, and weaknesses.. so I know he has given us the holy ghost to protect us and to guide us. Always ask in your prayers for the guidance and help of the holy ghost and live worthy/keep keeping all the commandments so that you can all recognize and follow the impressions of the holy ghost. :) That's my little spill for today.. love you all, have an amazing week!

D&C 11:13

Hermana Wood

Gaby mala brought us KFC whoa so kind, little mahonry stole my heart, and my cute comp


Hermana Wood

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