Worldly Parties and Spiritual Parties

Monday, June 18, 2018

Buenos Días! Espero que todos estén muy bien. :) This week was very eventful. This month is the month where everyone celebrates the virgins so there have been full fiestas every day and night. Many times this week when we were walking back to the cuarto at night, I feel like I was stuck into Lehi's dream ha just gripping to the iron rod when everyone around us was in that "great and spacious building" with loud music, many drunks, loud laughing and all that. Lots of work to do here in Las Torres:) 

But this week was great! Whenever we fast, the week after is filled with so many miracles, but especially this past week. SO many miracles and tender mercies! We have an investigator named Aldo who is 25 years old, he has always kind of lived on the wild side & is into extreme sports, but has been passing through many challenges and is looking to change his life. Last week we had a lesson with him and a few members. We talked about the restoration of the gospel, and all of the members are converts and shared their conversion stories with him. The spirit was so strong it about made me cry! He said that he didn't know how to describe it, but he just felt so so good. So he felt the spirit too. And in this moment when the spirit was moving us all, I invited him to be baptized.. but he turned it down so hard. plot twist. He went on to give a hard no, saying how he is Catholic, and can't change his religion and all that.. which kind of shocked all of us. Especially after we have felt that he is so prepared! But yeah, he has his agency, so we can only do our part to help him. So 2 days later we had another lesson with him, and his attitude had totally changed! When we showed up, he was already waiting for us at the door. He has been reading the Book of Mormon everyday, and says that he gets that "good feeling" every time he reads, and every time he meets with us. Please keep him in your prayers, he really really needs this change in his life. And yesterday he was so willing to go to church with us! After church we asked him what he thought and he said "I got that good feeling again". Well that good feeling is called the spirit and it is so special. I love being a missionary because I get to feel that "good feeling" every single day, and share it with others! 

Fun fact of the week: Did you guys know Jesus was Peruvian? Ok not really but some of the members were trying to convince us that this week by saying that in many of his pictures, he is always wearing the red and white, resembling the Peruvian flag. The funny part is that they were dead serious.. hahah it really cracked us up. They told us we were just that much more blessed to be serving in Peru:) haha.

I hope you all have an incredible week! Go make a difference and give some life to everyone :) Les amo con todo mi corazón!

Hermana Wood

D&C 103:9

Pics: our area, peru has turned me into the dog whisperer haha, the chavez fam, se han robado mi corazón mahonry y yadhira<3, and happy birthday to the cutest pencionista!

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