
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Whoa what a week. So much happens here everyday! I hope everyone is doing great. This week we picked up a few great new investigators. We fasted on Wednesday for our area and no joke, on Thursday we were seeing miracles and got 4 new investigators. We have 2 on date for baptism! We have really been working with the members to try and get referrals from them because whenever we are out contacting in the area everyone claims they are Catholic and hardly anyone listens to us. ha But we still contact everyday regardless:) 

This week we picked up a new investigator who is easily one of my most favorite people I have met here. Her name is Yanina. She is 16 years old and has been working here for her grandma the past few months. She is from Cuzco and is returning to Cuzco at the end of this week for a whole year. We met her a week ago and have visited her every single day. She had been attending church with her grandma the past month, but had never had any of the lessons or discussions until us. She told us she wanted to be baptized after our first lesson with her, but here's the catch, she asked for her parent's (who live in Cuzco) permission and they won't allow her to be baptized. We got her parent's numbers and called them yesterday and explained a little background on our religion and the importance of baptism. The call went really well and they are going to call us back tonight to let us know if Yanina can be baptized before she leaves to Cuzco. Crossing our fingers! She is so amazing. I will miss her so much when she leaves! She has such a strong desire to follow Christ and is on fire with reading the Book of Mormon. And I am just hoping she can be baptized before she leaves!

Ok a few days ago, our bishop called us and asked us to speak yesterday in church for about 12 minutes each. It was so last minute! So so stressful, but it was a miracle because somehow I gave a 12 minute talk yesterday in church on missionary work. Yeah, in Spanish. haha. President and Hermana Johnson came to our ward yesterday so that just added to the nerves! I spoke about the story of Ammon and also talked about the member missionary work that can be done. It went well and now I have a talk prepared that I can hopefully use at other times as well! 

Okay, the randoms and the funnies from the week. One of our investigators is 80 and just so funny, but he believes our church turns people into aliens. He is reading the Book of Mormon, but won't attend church because of the fear of turning into an alien... so we don't exactly know what to do about him. ha. So odd. Okay, Peru is mango heaven. Seriously I am obsessed. I am also convinced that Peru has the cutest babies in the world. They have the biggest brown eyes and I am just in love with them! It is still raining here everyday and pretty cold. My companion is great and I am learning more Spanish each day. Talk to you pronto!

Mosiah 7:33
Hermana Wood

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