The Water Week

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Thank you for all of the updates and thanks for all the love and support, it means more than you know! Sorry not much time today, but I will try to respond to some! This week was really good. Ok to explain the subject of this email.. There was SO much water this week and absolutely none at the same time. It rained like crazyyy this week. On Wednesday the streets were about turning into rivers! Please keep the people of Peru in your prayers! Because of all the rain, there is tons of dangerous flooding up North and the people here are all really scared. Because of all the rain, our area hasn't had water since last Monday. No water in the toilets, showers, sinks-nada. We are getting pretty desperate haha. But such a tender mercy: The mission home is in our area and Pres. and Hermana Johnson invited us over to shower this week. Not only do they have water, but they have WARM water! Ah warm water is such a blessing. Pres. & Hermana Johnson are the best. :)

Sadly Yanina had to leave back to Cuzco this week.. my heart! Her parents wouldn't let her be baptized before she left, but I know she will be baptized when she returns. She has such a strong testimony! We are going to be pen pals this next year and crossing my fingers I can see her again in the mission! 

On Wednesday, Elder Falabella from the 70 came and did a training with our mission! He was so motivating and inspired all of us to just work that much harder and set bigger goals. It was a great training and fun to see all of the other missionaries of Arequipa too:) 

This week on Friday we have a baptism!!!! The baptism of Jazmin. She is 16 years old and I am so happy for her. We met her our second day in the area and it has been so cool to watch her testimony develop and prepare for her baptism. We invited the whole ward and investigators and she is really excited.. yay!

Because of the temple coming soon to Arequipa, our ward has really been focusing on Family History work so that when the temple is finished there are plenty of names to take to the temple. So this last week we were teaching lots of lessons about the importance of family history and teaching people how to build their family trees. I've never really been into Family History, but wow its really cool. I encourage you all to go work a little more on your family trees:)
Oh and birthdayyy shoutout to ADRIA! Eat extra lots of cake for me and I will be celebrating from lots of miles away!!

Go make it a great week:) I love you all!

Ether 12:27
Hermana Wood

Pictures: 1. Pizza party for Yanina before she left (yes, they have a papa Johns here!) 2. We need to figure out how to take normal pictures 3. Our area 4. Got to meet the wife of Jakes mission president this week who lives in arequipa! She is the absolute sweetest

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