Week for the Books!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Hello from Arequipa!

Ah this week was so good! Jazmin was baptized on Friday and I think that Friday was my favorite day yet of the mission. Other than the baptism running on Peruvian time (1 hour late) everything turned out great! (Oh and poor girl was baptized with cold water, but at least we had water:) ) We made invitations and invited everyone in the ward. There was such a big turnout. Hermana Alais sang & I played the piano for a musical number, and we had a few of the ward leaders speak. Jazmin was so happy. She bore her testimony afterwards and had such a big smile the whole time. I feel so lucky to have been a part of her conversion! After the baptism, we planned a noche misional with our mission leader and invited everyone in the ward and told everyone to bring friends too. There was a huge turnout! We watched a video of the first vision, then Hermana Alais and I gave a message on prayer and we played games & had food. It turned out so well & we picked up new investigators from it too! 

Water update: In our place-Still none. Actually we had water in the morning on Thursday but that was it. It is such a blessing that there was water in the chapel for the baptism. Jaren- I think I am getting a taste of your mission showering with a bucket! haha.

We met a new favorite of mine this week. Her name is Fiona & she is 19 years old. She was a referral from a girl in the ward and we clicked with her so quick. She reminds me so much of just one of my best friends from home. She is super busy studying at the university here, but we were able to teach her 2 of the lessons this week & she is on date to be baptized. She is trying to learn English too, so it has been fun for me to help her with English:) She is so great.

I love our ward in the area! They have been super helpful with helping us find new investigators and they take such good care of us. Little example, This week one of the sisters in the ward invited us over for an FHE with her family. She told me (but in Spanish) something along the lines of: "The first few weeks of the mission are hard & I figured you're probably home sick, so I hope this helps." She had somehow found peanut butter here and made us PB&J sandwiches. My heart! haha. I love our ward!

Oh and I really have the greatest companion! We get along perfectly and I feel so blessed to have her. She has the voice of an angel & is a super talented singer/songwriter. She is super witty and something we love to do together is make raps hahha. We are always rapping about the mission & its so fun. Her family is inactive, but her testimony is so so strong. She's such an amazing example to me!

Hope you all have the best week. Yay for conference this weekend!!! 

Helaman 5:12

Hermana Wood

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