First Transfer - Staying Put - Yeah!

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Hope all is going well:) My comp Hermana Alais is currently in Lima. She had to leave yesterday to fill out more visa papers, but she will return tonight. Right now I am with a cute Hermana from Ecuador as my comp because she has to fill out papers at the mission office today. We are leaving in a minute to go to the office, so sorry no time to write! We are working really hard here, but I will keep you all updated!

Transfers are this week! I am officially not the newest missionary in the field because the new missionaries come today:) I have at least one more transfer with my trainer, luckily, she is the best!

I got a package this week! I was not expecting it and AH it meant so much more than you know! This week was harder. None of our investigators with a baptismal date could attend sacrament meeting, so that was a little sad. We are going to get them back on date this week! It felt like all of our appointments were falling through and just lots was falling apart, but we are setting some new goals and going to work really hard this week. 

P-days: We have visited the Plaza de Armas a couple times and I love it so much! There are a bunch of cute authentic stores and lots of tourists. There are 2 members of our ward, both named gaby who are our best friends. 

Have the best week. As Elder Hales said, Don't be part time disciples! Go make it a great week. Love you all so much! 

Alma 5:38
Hermana Wood

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