Weekly From Arequipa

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Hope everyone is doing well:) Nothing too crazy happened this week. Our investigators for the most part are all progressing! My comp and I had the idea too start a book club for our ward and investigators. The book we are reading es El Libro de Mormon:) The club is every Wednesday evening for an hour and a half and is called "La Nube". Our first reunion was Wednesday and we had such a great turnout. We read 1 chapter all together and we analyze throughout what we are reading. We all talk and have food after and everyone has 1 chapter or reading homework each week. We made bookmarks with the reading assignments and our ward is really excited about this club. Bishop announced that anyone who attends for 3 months straight without missing a week will receive a triple! We had the idea because some of our investigators were having a hard time understanding the scriptures. With the club, they will be able to understand each chapter a little better and meet the members of the ward too. 
Ok. The mangos, avocados, and sweet potatoes here are seriously to die for. We are eating lots of them everyday and I am addicted! They are so much better here for some reason ha.

We  had a mission night Friday for our ward with messages from Hemana Alais and I, then games after. We played lots of games and anyone who lost in any of the games had a consequence after the games were over. The consequence: all the losers had to dance in front of everyone. It is a tradition here, the dance is like the chicken dance and it's so funny. Then everyone votes on the best dancer. ha I was one of the losers and so obviously I used your chicken dance daddio-& I won! hahaha. No, but the activity was great because members brought non-member friends and it turned out great! Missionary work is not just for the missionaries! Members play a HUGE part in our work here. Our ward is so supportive and helping us lots:) Oh the baptism of Fiona is this week! So excited for her. Sorry I will give more updates on our investigators next week, but I have to go! Love you all so much! Go make it the best week!

jacob 5
Hermana Wood

pics: pancakes for P day, one of my favorite fruits here, and how Hermana Alais & I feel about finding m&ms in Arequipa:)

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