We Found A Family

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Familia! Hope that you all had a great week! Conference always makes for the best weekends. I was able to watch 2 of the conference sessions in English which was such a blessing. Conference is still great in Spanish,  but its nice to hear the actual voice of the prophet & apostles in English. :) We really are so  blessed to have a prophet on the earth. Ah I wish I had more time to type up some of the notes I took. I loved Elder Andersens talk on "Overcoming the World" and focusing outward. I also loved Elder Rasbands talk on letting the Holy Spirit Guide. I challenge you all to follow the 4 steps he mentioned: 1. Strive to live worthy of the Spirit. 2. Be Willing to receive the Spirit. 3. Recognize the spirit when it comes. 4. Act on the first prompting. I am learning more each and every day the importance of trusting in the spirit. We all need the Holy Spirit as our guide! I loved all of the talks, but those were just 2 of my favorites. We had 7 of our investigators come to conference too, which was so great :)

This week: We found a family! While we were contacting, we found a single mom named Patricia. She has a 12 year old-Fabricio, and a 9 year old-Paula. Patricia had been looking for a religion for her kids, and thats when we found her. We were able to teach them 2 lessons this week. They came to conference with us yesterday, and they are all on date to be baptized! Little Paula is such an angel. She has read the Book of Mormon every day this week and is counting down the days till her  baptism.. oh my heart! Also, we started teaching Fionas mom this week and she committed to be baptized too! Our investigator Haime who was going to be baptized this month had a family emergency and had to move. He called us this week so sad and said that the next day he had to leave Arequipa.. so sad! We will try to get him in contact with other missionaries. My companion is having a few problems with her stomach, and there is a nutritionist in our ward, so we changed pencionistas this week to the nutritionist in our ward! She is such a good cook, and cooks so healthy. We are so lucky! Water update: it comes and goes. We had water half of the week, so progress! 

Go make it a great week! I love you all and praying for you always,

xoxo  Isaiah 41:10

Hermana Wood

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