So Happy!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Hola!! Hope everyone had such a great week :)

This week was so good! I love Mirador!! These members that we have met so far are so great and supportive and we have received so so many references this week. It is a miracle!! The elders from the office are usually in this area and they haven't had Hermanas here before. And our mission leader is Hermano WILFREDO! I don't know if I talked about him before, but he was our mission leader in Alto Selva Alegre and is the most helpful member in the world. He is so fired up about this missionary work and so willing to serve! While I was in Zamacola he moved to this ward and now he's my mission leader again yayy!!

We started teaching 3 families this week which are all so solid! The Rodriguez family: Johnny, Katy, Alexa, and Estefano. Other fam: Mariela (mom), Fernando (14) and Karen (9). and the fam Agaria - a couple. I am seriously amazed because each of these families is so so interested and so ready. All of them came to general conference and liked it a lot!! And the Rodriguez fam and Agaria family are both already married! They are all progressing and we are so stoked about each of them.

A cool experience from the week: We had a lesson with Mariela and her family and we talked about the Book of Mormon. Fernando is so shy and timid. SO shy. He can't talk to anyone, look at anyone, he won't go to school because he doesn't want to see anyone. Mariela is so worried about him, becuase he won't even talk to her. After our lesson about the Book of Mormon we left them a little homework to read 3 Nephi 11. We went back to visit them the next day and we asked what they thought of the chapter. Fernando looked up and said "I loved it. A lot." He went on to tell us that he not only read the chapter, but started reading from the beginning & is totally digging the book. The spirit was so strong in this moment, because he is such a shy boy who doesn't talk. But to hear him bear witness that he believes this book is true, was so powerful. Mariela was shocked by how much he opened up, and it was definitely a testimony builder for her too. Oh man I loveee the Book of Mormon. It brings the spirit stronger than anything else.

Hermana Poulson really is the best and we get along sooo great. She's a total runner so we have gotten some of the best runs in this week too yay! We just click great. This week was so busy starting out with divisions, leadership conference, contacting muchoooo and meeting members, but it was such a productive one. Another huge highlight was conference. Loved every talk oh so much! I think one of my favs that I can remember right now was by Elder Uchtdorf how we need to turn our souls to the light. If we turn to him with everything, our lives will be better, and God will use US to make the lives of others better. But safe to say every talk was so solid. And one of my fav quotes was how Elder Holland said something along the lines of "HE is a peacemaker. and I need peace." so so true.

I know this gospel is the happiest news and brings more peace than anything in the world! Go have a great week and keep in mind the question from Sis. Oscarson: "Who needs me today?". Love you all!!!

Alma 36:24-25

Hermana Wood

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