Mirador es lo maximo

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Hola!!! Hope everyone is doing great. :) Things are going well here!

It seems like every week is getting busier and busier here haa. We are so excited about our investigators right now!!! The Rodriguez family has their baptismal date the 21st of this month and their interviews this week. They are seriously a golden family and meeting them was such a testimony builder that I needed to be in Arequipa in this time. We have gotten so close to them, and they are progressing so much! They already have testimonies of the Book of Mormon and seem like members when they are at church, participating in the classes and all. They are the best!!

Mariela, Fernando, and Karen are progressing too! Their baptismal date is for the 5th of November :) We have seen so many miracles with these families! The Aliaga fam left to New York for 2 weeks.... so no contact with them this week, but as soon as they get back!

Since Peru played Argentina in soccer this week, everyone has been showing all of their Peru pride throughout the week. Tons of red and white, banners, discounts, and all. They're playing Columbia this week, so lots more Peru pride this week too!

Thanks for all the love and support. It means more than you know! Love you all so much! Go try a little harder to be a little better this week :) hasta pronto

Hermana Wood

3 Nephi 22:7,10

The temple is going up quickly - see the progress.

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