Nuestro padre celestial nos ama :)

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Hola!! Hope everyone had a great week! We are doing well here :)

Mariela's family is progressing! Little by little they are meeting more members and they like going to church.

The Rodriguez family.. Katy and Alexa are doing so great!! They already have strong testimonies and are progressing lots. But this week Johnny has changed his mind a little. He has had some struggles with work lately and it's really testing his faith because he says he feels like God hasn't been there for him. He told us he wants to postpone his baptism a little longer. It made us sad to hear because we want the whole fam to be baptized together, but this lesson with them turned out to be so powerful. We talked a lot about the love of God, and we told them that this night they had to pray together as a family. Johnny had to offer the prayer. And we promised Johnny he would feel something special. We promised that he would be able to feel of the spirit. We were able to feel of the spirit so strong with them when we were promising him this and it was so special because Katy and Alexa cried and shared parts of their testimonies with him as well. We have the next lesson with them today and we are so anxious to hear from them! We moved their baptism to the next week to see if Johnny will be ready by then because we reallyyy want that this fam can be baptized all together. Please keep them in your prayers!

Other points of this week: last Monday night-in the middle of the night-there was a little earthquake and it scared us so bad but all is well! We gave talks yesterday in church.We moved cuartos and feel a lot safer now :) but yeah this week was good and these members here are helping us so much!!

oh and Birthday shoutout this week to TEYO!!!! He deserves the best day ever.

And can I just say it blows my mind that I am already at the halfway point of my mission..? 9 months of growing, meeting some of my eternal best friends, coming to know my Savior better, speaking such a foreign language that I have come to absolutely love, and sharing the happiest news in the whole world. I feel so grateful to be a missionary!!!

Just wanna finish up with the words of Pres. Uchtdorf that I love so much: "God is real. He lives. He loves you. He understands you. He knows the silent pleadings of your heart. He has not abandoned you. He will not forsake you." Go have the best week :)

Hermana Wood

Matthew 10:39

Pictures: multizone conference, the elders helping us move, and the park where we spent p day

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