& after 36 years... VAMOS Perú!!!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Whoa an eventful week!!

Everyone here is so stoked on life right now because after 36 years of trying.. Peru finally made it into the world cup!! Everyone has been wearing their Peru jerseys all week with flags hanging out of windows, banners, and a lot of parties.. its awesome ha.

We are doing well here! hmm what happened this week... We gave talks in church, we put on a big noche misional en la capilla, I taught the lessons in leadership conference, & with divisions with the other hermanas this week, we had 3 days of different companions. It was a busy one! Yesterday was one of the miracles this week.. God answers our prayers! We had ward council before church started so we didn't have time to leave and pick up our investigators before the sacrament meeting, and the members that were going to pick them up ended up not being able to either. But we called them and a few of them confirmed saying that they would be coming. Church started and no one was there. We were starting to get nervous like "dang, after all of our work this week no one is coming to church?" I know its a bad attitude, but we were just praying and praying that at least Juan carlos and Liliana would come to church. Sacrament passed out and still no one. Then I gave the first talk and during my talk I looked out to see 2 of our investigators, Omar and his daughter Sarya walking in and finding their seat. Then while hermana Poulson was talking after me, Juan Carlos sent a message saying "sisters, I'm here in the door of the church, can you come get me?" so after hermana Poulson's talk we ran to get him, and with 10 minutes left of sacrament meeting I felt a tap on my shoulder from a girl in our ward pointing to the door and asking if the lady standing there was an investigator. Looked to the door to see Liliana there. Miracle! Our Father in Heaven was pretty mindful of us in church yesterday and maybe he doesn't always answer our prayers in the moment that we want our answers, but he listens. and in HIS time he answers our prayers.

Our investigators are doing good and we are doing great! Hope you all have a great week and a happy thanksgiving. This thanksgiving, I´m GRATEFUL to be a missionary. Count your many blessings this week! Hasta pronto. :)

Hermana Wood

Helaman 5:12

Pics: corelacion with hermano wilfredo our mission leader last week, 2 of my other companions this week, and typical.... handstands :)

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