Turkey day in the land of the llamas

Monday, November 27, 2017

Hello to my favorites! Happy birthday to KARINA tomorrow!!! Celebrating big time in spirit :)

There are lots of pictures this week and I think the pictures will tell a better story than the words. But we DID celebrate Thanksgiving here! Obviously the people here don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but some members spoiled us big time giving us a few turkey dinners. We did some cool family nights with them to help them remember their blessings because we are so so blessed. :) Ah

And I think I forgot to tell you guys, but Liliana will be baptized the 16 of the December because she wants her boss to be in her baptism and that's when her boss is coming to town. She is doing so so well! She already seems like a member ha. Cool story with her from the week . . . Growing up, her parents were really abusive and she has some major family problems. So these last few years she has had some terrible nightmares and it makes it hard for her to even sleep at night. About a week and a half ago she opened up with us telling us all about her fear of sleeping. We talked about a comfort blessing and Hermano Wilfredo gave her this blessing the next day. She has NOT had a single nightmare since the blessing. And she says that now she can't even remember her dreams!! The priesthood is so real and I am so grateful for it.

Juan carlos and Andrea are still progressing and now we are teaching Javier who is progressing a ton too! Lots more updates about them next week. Oh also Alexa is going back to Lima today and.. MY HEART. I will miss her so so much! This morning we had to say bye to her, and I felt like I was having to say a goodbye to a family member again. She told us she knows the real reason she came to Arequipa was to receive this gospel in her life. She thanked and thanked us so much for all we have done for her and how we have changed her life. I am so grateful for her and grateful for the change that she has made in my life as well. Ya more updates next week.

I love you all, have a great week!

Hermana wood

D&C 127:4


Hermana Wood

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