Katy and Alexa are Members!!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Hiii!!! This week was so happy!!!

The most special baptism EVER Friday. Katy and Alexa are members and happier than ever! There was such a special spirit in their baptism and they have some powerful testimonies. I feel so grateful to have been a part of their conversion. Alexa told us after how she has never felt so "clean". Alexa is 18 and moved here from Lima 2 months ago. She felt like nothing was really going right for her over there so she came to live with her sister Katy in Arequipa until February. That's when we came along to visit her. Katy's youngest daughter is Mikaela who is 6 years old. About 4 months ago she suffered an accident where Katy and Johnny weren't sure if she´d live. While she was in the hospital for a few months Katy prayed and prayed and said that if God saved Mikaela she would serve god faithfully for the rest of her life. That's when we came along. There are no coincidences!

My testimony of ths grows more and more everyday of the mission. Our heavenly father knows us perfectly and he is always there. I just feel so lucky to be an instrument in his hands. The baptism turned out so great, lots of members were able to come, Hermana Poulson talked, I played the piano and there was a sweet spirit! Sorry lots more updates next week, and my camera is taking forever to load so I will send all of the pictures next week.

Have a great week!


Hermana Wood

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