Me Voy a Tacna!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Transfers, and I left Arequipa..!!

Just got off our 7 hour bus ride to Tacna. My new area is Primavera and my companion is Hermana Liza from Chiclayo, Peru. She has been out in the mission for 15 months and I just met her, but she is super sweet. Wasn't expecting these changes, ha especially the week before Christmas, but I am really excited! It was tough leaving Mirador--the members and converts, but I know the Lord needs me somewhere else :) I dont know too much about Tacna, but we are as far south of Peru as you can get. We are touching Chile over here! It is super hot, dry, and flat. We are stoked to get going to work and finding people to teach! Can't wait to see your faces in just a week-navidad! Lots more updates then:) Have a great week, I love you all!


1 Nephi 3:7

pics: We did the coolest service project this week with the YSA. We took christmas (food, toys, games, etc.) to lots of these people who don't have much, and as a turnout of the activity, we got 40 referrals! such a success. and saying bye to Rocio-one of my favorites

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