White Christmas

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

It was a white Christmas week! (not referring to the snow.. its summer here..) because Liliana and Dariel were baptized!!!

Ok I don't even know if I have talked about Dariel with you guys? He's the cutest little 9 year old. In his family, they're all members, but have been a little inactive in the church the last few years. But now they are back in the church and we have been working with little Dariel who was also baptized Saturday! He was gonna be baptized the 16th, but his mom called us Tuesday and said "why not on Saturday instead?" So yes he is a member now. :)

The day was so special for Liliana too!! She was just beaming. Quite a few investigators came, members, and some other elders to support. Everything turned out perfectly. She said there weren't words to describe how happy she was and she just felt perfect when she came out of the water. In her testimony she shared how she has been been empty for 28 years. But now she has found the truth. And she has never felt so filled with happiness :)

The gospel CHANGES LIVES. It is the happiest ever. I feel so blessed to be a part of Liliana's conversion! Saturday was the best Christmas gift! Sorry running low on time today, but more updates next week. I love you all, have a good one!


Hermana Wood

Pics: Helped one of our fav fams set up their cute tree, the big christmas tree in our area, Hermana Alais-christmas conference, and baptisms

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