Feliz Navidad!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Merryyyy Christmas!! I hope you all have the happiest day! I feel so blessed to be a missionary this Christmas season and give everyone my favorite gift. Here, Christmas eve is the huge day. At midnight everyone eats their turkeys, panetones, and hot chocolate. and the FIREWORKS. There are a million fireworks that were going off all night, so safe to say we didn't sleep, but it was fun listening to all of them from our room. :) Then Christmas is more of a normal day, it's just that the people don't have to work. So excited to see your faces in just a couple hours!

 It was a good week here. Hermana Liza and I contacted like Crazies this week. With our "light the world" Christmas cards, we were giving them out to anyone and everyone, and as a result, we were able to meet some good potential investigators. We are teaching a girl named Gisel, 23 years old, who is golden. She was a referral that came from a girl in our stake. She has always been catholic, but has never really gone to church, or participated in her church. She is studying here in Tacna and lives by herself. She is awesome-for example, when she got her Book of Mormon this week, we left her a little homework: a chapter to read, and 2 hours later she called us saying she already read the chapter, and telling us all about it.She has a bap. date for the 6th of January and we are so excited about her! She has been able to go to church, and she's already progressing lots!

Also this week-we had to take that bus ride to Arequipa and back, because we had leadership conference! I love leadership conferences, because president always just gets us so pumped up. ha He is the best.

Hope you all have a Merry Christmas! Remember the reason for the season. That HE came to this world. That HE loves us infinitely. That HE can bring us more peace than anything in this world. It amazes me how generous our Savior is. Because when we turn to him and give him all that we have, he blesses us 1000x more than we could ask for. He knows us perfectly and is always there with his arms open to us. He's the greatest gift, and I just love him. Talk to you all pronto!

Hermana wood

1 nephi 9:6

Photos: tacna, mm alfajores, and helping our pencionista prepare her turkey, you can tell from my face that it wasnt the easiest process.

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