Weekly from Primavera

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Hola! A couple updates from Tacna this week:

-We are now teaching Ximena's uncle, Jorge, who is awesome. He has lots of questions, is so humble, and ready to learn. He accepted a bap. date in the first contact before we even had taught a lesson, and he said he wants to make this change in his life. He is diggin up the Book of Mormon, and with the lessons we have been able to teach, he is progressing real fast. We are excited about him!

-We have been teaching Zulma for a few weeks (29 years old) and she is also great. She has already come to church quite a few times, and wants to be baptized. It's just that she has a coffee addiction, and she drinks a lot with her friends. She is a police officer and works night shifts, so it has always been the coffee that keeps her awake. All of her friends are alcoholics, and she is willing to even find new friends to change. It hurts me to see how hard it really is for her to drop these weakness, but she is doing every possible thing to overcome the addiction! She has the gospel library app, and she tells us that every time she has the cravings for her coffee or a drink, she prays, or pulls out her phone real quick to read a church talk or scripture. And it is amazing how much this weakness has humbled her in these past few weeks. Just please keep her in your prayers because the adversary wants to work harder than us!

-The Roque family is great and they all seem like members. it was Paty's birthday this week (their 19 year old daughter) and the YSA group from our ward went to her house and surprised her with cake and a little party! We were at her house when they showed up and literally 14 of the YSA kids from the ward came to support her. It was a surprise for us too! But just shows that the ward is helping us so much. 

-This week was real humbling, but I'm grateful that the Lord loves me enough to break me down a little each day, just to refine me more into the missionary that he wants me to be. I know that on my own I am nothing, but with his strength we can do all things. I love Nephi's example when he was bound up with the cords. He prayed not so his circumstances would change, but he prayed to have the strength to change his circumstances. I am so grateful for my Savior, and for his strength that keeps me going every day! hasta pronto,

1 Nephi 7:17

hermana Wood

photos: a really fun family night, the dog that wanted to study with us in the park, our area, sebastian<3, and sport night that we put on as a church activity

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