Priesthood Power

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Hi! Hello! Hope everyone is doing well. Our Father in Heaven keeps being so generous to us with many miracles over here in Primavera.

So on Saturday Virginia got called to the chacra because it was her turn for water... so Valentina's baptism was postponed and will be this week with Paty. But she passed her interview and is all good to go. :)

This week we had a cool activity with our district. It was a fireside for all the investigators and recent converts from our stake. A few of the recent converts were asked to bear their testimonies, talking a little about their conversions, and how they received their answers - Gisel being one of them. Just going to brag for a second about her... she is taking 3 courses in institute right now (mission prep, Book of Mormon, and eternal family), she has a ward calling, comes with us to visit our investigators, is sharing more Books of Mormon with her non member friends, etc. As she bore her testimony she was filled with tears as she talked about how the gospel has completely changed her life and how happy she is. My heart! It was a really special meeting. Also José received the priesthood! yay. 

Cool experience from the week: So in the beginning of January we received a referral from a returned missionary sister in our ward: her friend Bruno (21 yrs old). He was really kind and all, but not super interested. We got a call on Friday from the sister in our ward in panic mode saying that Bruno had an accident and needed a blessing asap. We were able to find an Hermano to go right away with us and we went straight to his house. When we showed up, Bruno was in his bed in really bad shape. He is a firefighter and while working, passed through a really bad accident and was having problems breathing and heart problems. He couldn't even walk without getting dizzy and the doctors haven't been able to figure out what is wrong. We talked about the power of the priesthood, the faith, and the Hermano, Jean Carlos, gave him a blessing. After our little lesson with him we invited him to pray Friday night and ask if this is the true church. Went back to visit him on Saturday with Jean Carlos. He was SO MUCH better. walking around, eating normally and everything!! Bruno was shocked. He said that only a miracle helped him improve so fast, and this was his answer that this church is true. He went to church yesterday and stayed the whole time.. 3 hours out of the bed and he was fine!! His baptism date is for the 17th of March! There is so so much power in the priesthood. We are so blessed to have it in our lives!

hasta pronto,

Hermana Wood

Mosiah 2:41

Pics: sebastian's baptism, way to stay alive in a tacna summer: water and watermelon. and the cutest family

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