Las Torres Semana 1

Monday, April 30, 2018

Imanaya! Imaina Callanki? That means hi how are you all in Quechua! (and I thought I would be learning spanish here.. there are lots who speak Quechua in my area)

I hope everyone had a happy week. I bet you can all guess where my new comp is from.. Argentina!! (Buenos Aires). I guess I just have something for the Argentinans.. my mom and other daughter in the mission are both from there haha. She is super alegre and a really hardworker. The members in our area are great. All super supportive, and have been helping us a lot. We still haven't met many new investigators, so there will be a few more updates next week. At church on Sunday I just happened to run into Jazmin, Mary, and Laura, my first converts from Selva Alegre. It was so special and made my week! Sorry for the shortest email, but talk to you all real soon!

Hermana Wood

D&C 61:36

Sorry these are pictures of primavera because my camera has had some technical issues this week. So youll see pics of my comp next week!

-investigators, converts, and members my last day at church

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