Happy Holidays from Arequipa

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Happy holidays from Arequipa because apparently today is the "Dia del trabajador", here. Not exactly sure what that means, but last night to kick off May 1, there were fireworks and fiestas, and today no one works. Ha doesn't really effect us but oh well:) Ah congrats to Jaren and Savannah this week! Heart broken I can't be with you for the wedding, but I am there in spirit! So so happy for you two. 

The work is going well here. We have a few investigators that I am really excited about. I will tell about one of them-Andres. Andres is 80 years old, but don't let the age fool you, because he seems only 60 years old. His health is great as well. He has been separated from his wife for years, lives with his catholic kids and grand kids, has worked in the rice fields his whole life, (still works), and he is just great. We met him a week ago and he is progressing lots. He had a baptismal date for 27 de May, but yesterday that changed a little. We had a lesson with him and read 2 Nephi 31 where we learn more about the doctrine of Christ and baptism as "la puerta". First to start the lesson, we asked if he could offer the prayer. We all closed our eyes and bowed our heads and sat there in silence for about 18 minutes. He was praying in his head, and Hermana Alais and I didn't know what to really do so we just sat there and waited. and waited.. and waited. When he finished his prayer there were tears in his eyes and he said he could feel our Savior's love for him. Ok then we read the chapter, analyzing throughout. Andres was pretty quiet throughout and we asked him after what he thought of the reading. He said that it clicked. He realized that baptism is the saving ordinance that he needs and ah the spirit was so strong! He said that he wants to be baptized now. We moved his baptismal date to May 20. Ya and the story goes on, because directly after the lesson, we went to the devotional. President Johnson had a devotional last night for investigators and missionaries from my zone and one other zone. He spoke of the restoration. Andres came along with 3 of our other investigators and Jazmin who was baptized last month. All of our investigators really enjoyed the fireside and were able to feel the spirit really strong. Andres after, cried a little more and told us that while president was speaking he had his answer. The spirit confirmed that everything we have taught is true. He knows this church is true and oh my heart-it was such a cool experience. He asked that we go to the grounds of the future temple of Arequipa after. We had to go back to our cuarto, but our mission leader took him to the temple grounds and called us after to say that Andres is just so ready and prepared for this gospel. Testimony builders happening left and right here. 

We were working with the members lots this week. There is a little boy, Brayan, who is 5 years old in our ward and his mom passed away 3 months ago. He lives with his aunts in our ward. He is so shy and won't talk to the other little kids in the ward. It was his birthday Friday and we were able to put on a birthday party for him in the house of our pencionista with the primary president. We invited the whole primary and there was a huge turnout. One of Hermana Alais' converts from her first area is a clown and came as a surprise. Brayan was so happy :) Also-Jazmin who was baptized last month has come with us to appointments this week and has a desire to serve a mission in the future! The gospel really changes lives. She is happier than ever and She just has a light about her. It has been so cool watching her testimony develop. 

Things are going well here. Go have a great week! Make sure you "Arequip"ing the commandments:) I love you all mucho!

Mosiah 24:12-15

Hermana Wood

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