Elder Poza and Divisions!

Thursday, June 22, 2017


2 shoutouts: Happy Father's Day (yesterday) to the best daddio in the whole world! and Happy birthday tomorrow to Kaleb! I am there in spirit celebrating these two special days with you guys :) 

Another crazy week here! With divisions this week, I had 5 different companions! Hermana Alais was my companion for only 2 of the days this week.. haha I seriously missed her. But we have such awesome Hermanas in our mission. I love divisions because I have the opportunity to get to know the other Hermanas better! 

This week we got to hear from another member of the 70! Elder Poza. He is from Bolivia and he came to speak at our stake conference here. Whoa he was a powerful speaker. I loved his talk so much that I am going to share a part of it here. Remember the "Forget Me Not" talk by Elder Uchtdorf? Elder Poza based his talk off of this talk and gave us 5 principles that we should never forget. 1. Patience. Our weaknesses will turn into strengths when we trust in the Lord. 2. Sacrifices bring blessings. If we are dedicating more of our time to the Lord.. more blessings. :) 3. Be HAPPY. Remember the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Everyone is trying to find the golden ticket and everyone thinks "Oh, I will be happy when I have the ticket!", but No!! there is happiness in everyday. Be happy now! 4. The reasons to live the gospel. It's not an obligation to live the gospel, but it's a way of life, and the way to happiness in this life. 5. The lord loves us. Never doubt that. :) I know I can work on these 5 principles and I hope you all can too! After the conference, Elder Poza with the stake president came to our pension, and we got to have lunch with Elder Poza! It was so cool to talk with him and get his advice.

Junior's baptism is this week!! Whoooo! He is so so ready. Yesterday, we had the stake conference 30 minutes away from our area in car. No one has cars here, everyone takes taxis. Junior couldn't pay for a taxi, but he knew the importance of this conference so he rode his bike there. He is dedicated! He shares his personal study thoughts with us in lessons and I am seriously learning from him! Tiffany has just a couple doubts that we need to work through, and her baptism will most likely be 8 de July. Tiffany always says: "I have my 3 missionaries. the Hermanas, and Junior". Haha. 

We also found a family this week! A couple with 3 kids and we have our second lesson with them today. We found them from contacting. I love contacting because its always such a surprise what is behind the door. A single mom and her daughter. A family. a lonely teenager. Or a catholic who is super frustrated that we are knocking her door, but hey its all a part of the experience :) Ha. Go have the best week! Praying for you always!
Alma 13:28-29
Hermana Wood
Pics: la mama (hna Alais) y la hija :) In the mall there was fake popcorn & I miss popcorn. Bishop's new baby is an angel! & its winter here, so this is what we look like with our blankets during breakfast

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