Baby blessings and Elder Christensen!

Monday, June 5, 2017


Hope everyone is doing great! We had a good week here. :) We had the coolest opportunity this week to hear from Elder Christensen of the 70! He came to speak to our mission Saturday and the whole mission got to gather together. He was so inspiring and got everyone super pumped up. He really stressed the importance of studies, and the importance of Christlike love for everyone. His wife spoke to us too, along with President and Hermana Johnson, and the president of the Lima Temple with his wife. President asked me to play the piano and not only did I get to play the hymns but played prelude for a full 2 hours before! There is an elder in our mission from Argentina who plays the violin and he improvised on the violin with me for prelude. Ah gosh I miss the piano! Felt so good to play :) Fun to see all of the other missionaries in our mission too. Oh, but yesterday I was assigned to be the new ward pianist, so I will get to play more!

Mary and Laura had their baptism interviews and are all ready to be baptized Saturday! They are so excited. Yayyyy stoked for them :) Junior and Tiffany had to work like crazy this week and weren't able to come to church yesterday. They need 3 visits to church and they only have 2, so they won't be baptized this week, but very soon. We are seeing the adversary working lots with them, but we are just going to work harder! We have an investigator, Angel, who is 76 years old and is so awesome. His baptism is the 17th, he has had all the lessons and wishes he could get baptized this week, but he still needs to come to church one more time. 

Haha 2 funnies of the week-1. Yesterday in church there was a baby blessing. The bishop announced after the blessing that if there was any kid under the age of 8 who hadn't received a baby blessing, come to the front and their dad or the bishop could give them their blessing. Sure enough kids started walking up to the front. hahah So yes, yesterday was the Sunday of baby blessings. 2. We were contacting 2 days ago, and contacted a lady named Sylvia. She has a 4 year old daughter who was doing handstands in the house. Seriously the first kid I have seen do a handstand my whole mission! Hermana Alais flipped and was like Hermana Wood does this stuff too-all the time! (yeah don't worry I still do my handstands every night) Hermana  Alais made me show Sylvia a picture from BYU cheer and Sylvia asked me to do some type of trick. You can only do so much in a skirt, but I was able to tie my skirt at my ankles and hold a handstand for a few minutes. Sylvia loved it, but she loved our lesson too and we have a lesson with her tomorrow :) Yay for the opportunities I had to use my talents this week hahaha. Until next week! Love you all so much!
Alma 57
Hermana Wood

Photos: Fruit of the week, matching bracelets, its getting colder here in Arequipa, & Laura :)

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