Yayyy for Mary and Laura!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Hola! This week was a crazy and stressful one, but it was really good. We had a few splits with other Hermanas this week in their areas, and had to leave our area to help Hermanas with other things, so not a ton new, but Mary and Laura were baptized! And confirmed yesterday in church. 

Their baptism was so special. My favorite part was listening to their testimonies after, and they were just radiating light. This gospel changes lives! They are so happy and so faithful. I feel so lucky to have been a part of their conversion! Definitely the biggest highlight of the week :) Saturday, the day of the baptism, bishop called and asked us to speak in church the next day. We had hardly any time to prepare because of the baptism, but were able to pull it off and gave our talks yesterday. Also I got to play a musical number in church yesterday, My Heavenly Father Loves Me (piano), and after I played, Junior started clapping! He was the only one that clapped and I feel bad because he was pretty embarrassed after, haha but Hermana Alais couldn't stop laughing. 

Junior and Tiffany are doing well! Lots of contact with them this week and their baptism date is the 24th of this month. Tiffany's doubts have left and we are so excited about them. We started teaching a few other new investigators this week that I will give more updates on the next week. Love you all so much, go make it the happiest week!

Luke 8:43-48
Hermana Wood

pics: typical breakfast, baptism, and baptism invitations, Laura's Book of Mormon, Hermana Mojica and I reppin the medalions, Plaza de Armas with the best comp in the whole world!

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