A Week of Pictures

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Holaaa mi familia! 

Hope everyone had a great week. Definitely the highlight of the week was Junior's baptism! He is so happy. He is just the best! There was a super strong spirit in the baptism and ahh easily one of my favorite experiences from the mission so far. Tiffany will be baptized the 8th. Her family is all Catholic and she is scared that they are going to treat her different when she is baptized. But she knows that this church is true! She was crying during the baptism and told us that she could really feel the spirit. Their daughter, Luana, is 7 and Junior will be able to baptize her the next year! They are my favorite family :) 

We had more divisions with other Hermanas this week, and our leadership counsel, so there isn't a ton new from this week. We are looking for new investigators and contacting lots. We have transfers Monday. I don't know what I am going to do without Hermana Alais! I'm sure that we will be separated :( so sad! I took more pictures this week, so I think the week is better explained in the pictures :) Hope everyone has the best week!
D&C 121:7-8
Hermana Wood

Pics: typical plate-lomo saltado. my wall. (don't worry I have a pic of my pals too that fell ha) Leadership counsel with the other Hermana leaders. Apples of all shapes and sizes here. 

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