6 months??

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Holaaaa desde Arequipa! 

Hope everyone had a great week! It was a little slower here this week, still knocking lots of doors and meeting members. We are gaining the support and trust of the members which is really nice because now they are working with us and helping. :) Slowly but surely in this area! 

Our pencionista and her family are the sweetest and just treat us like family. They have a cake business and make the best tres leches cakes! They taste a lot like grandmas tres leches :) Ah guess what? Tiffany from my other ward, it is her baptism this Saturday. And guess what? My zone leaders gave me permission to go!! Whooo I am stoked! 

Things are moving slowly but surely here. We have an investigator, Analia, who is 15 and great. We met her last week and she has been able to come to church these last 2 Sundays. Her best friend who lives in another city is LDS, and that was her motivation to listen to us. She is super busy with school, but in the couple lessons that we've had with her, she is making progress! She lives with her mom and her grandma who are super catholic. Her mom is always working and we haven't had the opportunity to talk with her yet, but hopefully this week we can meet with her :) 

Miracle of the week: When we were walking on Wednesday, we noticed a mom and her daughter who were staring at us. We went up to talk with them and introduce ourselves. We got talking, and turns out the mom, Julie, is a member but has been inactive for years. About 10 years ago she got a job where she had to work Sundays and with time, she went inactive. We shared a little message with her and she was so receptive. She lives in the area Belaunde which is the area next to us that shares our chapel. She's not a part of our ward, but we invited her to go to her church yesterday. She was so sweet and took a picture with us and left. haha. Yeah, then at church yesterday... when we were walking out of sacrament meeting, guess who we saw? Julie with her daughter!!!! She went to her ward and started to cry when she saw us!! She told us thank you and said that she "felt like she was at home". Such a sweet experience & super happy for her and her daughter. Definitely a big highlight of the week. :) 

Hope Aaron had the best birthday this past week and happy birthday shoutout to Savannah this week! You deserve the happiest day! Have the best week, all of you! xo
Alma 37:36-37
Hermana Wood

Pics: our bishop and his wife. Pday with the other hermanas to celebrate hermana Cejas birthday. The grandma (hna alais) mom (me) and daughter (hna cejas) haha. I was reading an article from the ensign this week and I turned the page to see this picture.. Megs you are famous! I was shocked!! haha I cut out this little picture and now its on my wall

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