Zamacola Week 1!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Hello hello!

Week one of Zamacola is in the books. What a week! Monday we had training with the other trainers, and Tuesday our daughters came. I have another Argentina comp! I guess I have something for the Argentinas-& I can't help but speak Spanish like an Argentinian haha. My companion is Hermana Cejas. She is so sweet. We are super different, but we get along well and she has a powerful testimony :) She is pretty shy, but she is coming out of her shell lots! I couldn't run with Hermana Alais because her knees are bad, but Hermana Cejas likes to run and we are able to run every morning! 

Our area Zamacola: The airport is in our area, so we can always hear the planes going in and out. The weather here is pretty much the same as Selva Alegre. It's winter here and pretty cold with wind in the mornings and nights, but during the day there's lots of sun. There are sooo many dogs in our area! We have to ask in all of our prayers for protection from the dogs, because they are so aggressive! Our pencionista is the sweetest! We live with her and she is a member which is really nice. She cooks all the classic Peruvian food, and it is super good. I am already the ward pianist, yay :) 

We opened this area, which means starting from scratch and starting from 0 means knocking lots of doors and  contacting the members. We set appointments with all of the leaders in the ward this week which helped a lot. The members always feed us some type of mate and we are trying new drinks every day. (Still haven't had soda my whole mission..blessed ha) From knocking lots of doors this week, everyone says they are catholic and we haven't had a ton of success, but just gonna keep working harder. Even on the days in the mission where we don't have tons of success, there are always miracles in each day. For example-Thursday we were knocking doors all day and no success. The day was almost over and we decided to go visit a member. We couldn't find the house, so we asked a lady in the street if she could help us with the address. She was super nice and helpful and when we started to introduce ourselves as missionaries after, she cut us off and said "Can you Hermanas come share a message with me this week?" We were pretty surprised but happily agreed and have our appointment with her tomorrow. :) Ha. Also yesterday-the patriarch and his wife live close to our cuarto. Patriarch and his wife didn't come to the church yesterday, so we had been thinking about them. We were walking to an appointment and passed the house of the patriarch and had a feeling that we should knock their door to visit them. Sure enough we entered the house and the wife of patriarch is super sick. She had been praying throughout the day that "The Hermanas from the church would come visit her". She started to cry when she saw us and explained that we were the answer to her prayers. I feel so lucky to be an instrument in the hands of the Lord. It is such a blessing :) Hope you all have a great week! Praying for you always. xo 
Hermana Wood
John 5:30

pics: viewsss in our area, Happy birthday this week to my cute hija, typical food, aji de gallina

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