Turning into a Mama!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Hello hello! 

I hope everyone had a great week! This week was good. Sure enough, I am leaving Alto Selva Alegre :( Ah Alto Selva Alegre will forever have my heart. And hermana Alais too! She will be staying there. I am going to be training and opening the area "Zamacola". Super nervous but excited to meet my hija tomorrow! Today I am getting settled in the area with a temporary companion, and tomorrow the new ones come in. Hermana Alais will be my Hermana leader which is good, so she won't be too far! Ha. 

It was tough saying bye to the families of Alto Selva Alegre, I will miss them lots! Tiffany's baptism will be this month- I'm so excited for her. When we went to say bye to Tiffany yesterday, she totally surprised me with decorations, cake and all. The pictures will show the evidence ha, way too nice of her. Sorry we don't have much time today, but I will send updates of the new area next week :) As Teyo says: "live each day like its the 4th quarter and your team needs you!" 

I know that the mission is the best place in my life I could be right now. I am so grateful to be an instrument in the hands of the Lord here! Yes, there are tough days, but the miracles make it all worth it.

Have a good one!

Hermana Wood
Ether 12

Pics: Saying my goodbye to Yzma. I will miss these little kids. & pretty Arequipa

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