Tiffany's Baptism!!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Hello hello! 

Hope you all had a great week! This was a good week. The work is picking up in Zamacola. We have been trying to work lots with the members, which is helping us a lot. To start out this week, there was an earthquake!! We were walking back to our cuarto last Monday night and suddenly the ground was shaking and everyone flooded out of their houses looking into the sky. haha It was so strange but a fun experience! 

Highlight of the week was Tiffany's baptism!!! I was so happy I was able to be there with her Saturday. One of the most special things EVER is hearing the converts bear their testimonies. It was a tougher route with Tiffany, but to hear her give witness that she knows with all of her heart that this is the true church, ah the best ever! She cried and shared how she was lost but now found. When we were teaching Tiffany, she had a couple questions that were so hard for us, that we had to talk with Pres. Johnson for his advice. He asked to meet with her about a month ago, and he helped her a lot. She has pres. on such a high pedestal and asked that he would baptize her, so president baptized her! The gospel changes lives. it is the happiest news! Junior was so happy and proud of her too. Next step for them-the temple! 

We had divisions Wednesday this week with the hermana leaders. Our hermana leaders are Hermana Alais and Narbaez.. in alto selva alegre!!! I got to return for a day and it was such a happy day. I was with hermana Narbaez and it was fun to teach a couple investigators again. We started teaching the cutest 2 little girls, 11 and 9, this week. The Vera familia. The family has been inactive for years, and the dad passed away a few months ago. Now it is just Dolli (the mom) and the two girls. We have been working with them lots and the little girls are the sweetest ever. They are coming to church again and the girls want to prepare for their baptism! With their dad it is a really sad situation, and I have so much respect for how strong the mom, Dolli, is. Keep them in your prayers, they need this gospel! 

We spoke in church yesterday and had hardly any time to prepare, but it went well. July 28, Friday, it the day of Peru!! There are so many flags out and the city is covered in red and white (The only time I'm lovin the red and white;)) haha They are going all out for this week! We are having a big ward activity this Friday to celebrate. We have been in charge which has been a little stressful, but we are excited! Every organization of the ward is assigned to a country. They have to present a dance (because everyone lovesss to dance here) and food from the country, and the story of how the church arrived in that country. We have been inviting every soul of Zamacola so hopefully we have a good turnout! 

Yesterday we planned a "ward attack" and it helped us so much. Hermana Cejas and I made a list of our investigators, and inactive families. Yesterday night ward members came to the chapel, we split them all off into companionships to visit about 3 names from the list every companionship. With the investigator, or inactive, they had to plan an appointment for us missionaries, invite them to the activity, and share a spiritual thought. It turned out really well and we've got lots of appointments for this week:) Also my companion and I started something new. Every morning we think of a theme. For example, everyone with a hat. Anyone with a baby. Anyone with a red shirt, etc. And throughout the day, if we see anyone who matches the theme, we have to contact them no matter what. So far it has been helpful and we will keep up with it this week. We are trying to think out of the box a little more ha. 

I think that's it for this week! Praying for you always! Go make it the best week :)
Alma 38
Hermana Wood

Pics: fam Vera, helping our pencionista make alfajores, pday gang-uno!!, Sweet Lorena a member

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