A Dusty-Filled Week of Miracles

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Hola!! Hope everyone had a great week! Whoa this week was such a good one!! We saw so many little miracles and I am so so happy here. 

Updates on the investigators: Julia. She is one of a kind! She has a billion questions-but questions are real good. Haha lets just say she is making us study the Bible like we have never studied it before. On Wednesday when we went to visit her, she was super sad. She is having some family problems. Her daughter has an abusive husband, and it makes Julia so so sad to see her daughter suffer. She told us she feels like God isn't listening to her prayers. We started our lesson and when we were about to read from the Book of Mormon she went to grab her glasses. She couldn't find her glasses. We searched for about 10 minutes in her whole tienda looking, but couldn't find the glasses. We told her we should say a prayer to find them. She offered the prayer. Literally 1 minute after the prayer, she looked up to find her glasses on the shelf... where we thought we had looked! She told us she knows God answers her prayers and she just needs a little more patience :) She came to church again yesterday and now has more and more friends in the ward! A lady from the ward invited us to a family night with Julia yesterday. We told Julia she didn't need to bring anything, but when we showed up to the house she whipped out of her purse a huge bottle of Inka Cola and a bag of rice, hahaha she is the best.

Remember the girl, Karen that I talked about last week? That was inactive? Yeah her life has completely turned around in the last week and a half. COMPLETELY. We met with her yesterday. She told us she has been reading the Book of Mormon and praying every single day. She told us that she has made the decision to serve a MISSION. What!!!!! We were shocked!! She told us that we have changed her life and she wants to do the same for others. In just a week and a half all of this has happened!!! We couldn't believe it. Honestly I couldn't sleep at all last night just thinking and thinking about her. Her parents are so beyond happy too :) Miracle!! 

This week Hermana Alais let me know that Jadiye was going to be baptized Saturday!! One of our investigators from Alto Selva Alegre. We got permission to go to the baptism. But one of our investigators, Maribel, who is so hard to get a hold of, told us the only time she could meet with us was Saturday at 5:00. The same time as the baptism. I wanted to go to the baptism so bad, but had a super strong feeling that we should stay in our area and have the lesson with Maribel. So we stayed in our area. At 4:50 Saturday Maribel called us to cancel the appointment because she hadn't gotten home. I was super bugged because we missed the baptism for nothing.. We were walking and started to contact when a member from the ward, Erika, called us. She asked if we were close to the Zamacola Market. We were only a block away. She told us we had to come to the market because she wanted us to meet someone. We went to the market and sure enough we met Valerise! She is a single mom with 3 daughters. She is a long time friend of Erika, and they ran into each other after a long time of being apart. Valerise has been looking for a religion because there have been lots of problems in her family and she needs help. We had a lesson with her right then and there and she is seriously a golden investigator. Came to church yesterday and told us that she wants to be baptized with her oldest daughter, Juana, when her Juana hits 8 years old in September. Miracle! So many little miracles this week - wish I could share a couple more but out of time ha. My testimony is growing so much more each day here. I love this area of Zamacola and the people of Peru have my heart! Talk to you soon,

Hermana Wood

Alma 37:6-7

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