A Week of Eros, and Celebrating Arequipa

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Hello hello! Hope everyone had a great week. :) So much happened here this week!! 

August 15 was a day of celebrating in this whole city. Music, flags, food, and all to celebrate the day of this beautiful city! Last p-day we went to the plaza and watched a big parade with music, dancing, animals, and it whoa it was an experience - I have pictures to send! There was a parade even to celebrate the virgins this week because just about everyone here is catholic. (but we are changing that!) 

Our investigators! Update with Julia.. pretty sad. She has some bad back problems and when she went to the doctor this week, they told her that she needs to have an operation done on her back. She told us that she knew of someone who had this operation and they passed away from the surgery. Julia's health is not the greatest, and she is terrified and she is worried that if she gets this surgery done, she won't make it out. She cried and cried this week. . . we cried too, oh my heart! She is having some financial problems as well, and is barely getting by right now with money. Her faith is really being tested. Because of all the problems that popped up this week, her baptism will be postponed for a little longer. Keep her in your prayers! (please) :) 

Ok EROS. Es lo maximo. His grandpa, Hemano Tohalino, is in our ward and Eros just moved to Arequipa 2 weeks ago to study. He is 18 years old. He is catholic, but is looking into other religions. We started teaching him last Sunday and had a lesson with him just about every day! He has the best questions and whoa his testimony is developing so quickly. He already is set on being baptized the 2nd week of September! We are so stoked working with him because not only will he be a member, but he can totally serve a mission in a year and bless the lives of so many others. ha :) The goal! 

Verenise: she is doing well, and we have still been teaching her, but the dad of her daughters (they have been separated for about 4 years) all of a sudden just came back into her life and is not a good influence. He is an alcoholic and doesn't treat her well. The adversary always seems to work like this when people are starting to learn the gospel. She is so sweet and needs this gospel in her life! Especially for her daughters too. 

We found a family this week from contacting! When we first found them they told us they were Catholics, and didn't care to listen, but when we returned to their house the next day, all of a sudden they were interested. Juana is the mom. She has 2 daughter and lives with her mom, Julia. The dad was working when we taught them, but we shared the plan of Salvation and there was a spirit so strong. Juana is so interested now and we have our next lesson with them Tuesday. :) 

Neli: She has knee problems and has been in bed all week because she hasn't been able to walk. So she can't come to church right now. We have been teaching her in her bed this week and praying and praying that she can get better. 

Ah there are 2 gringos that just moved into our ward!! An older couple and they are the sweetest. It felt SO good to finally speak a little English yesterday in church ha but my grammar was so bad and I can only imagine how my grammar will be in another 11 months.. shoot ha. Yeah there were a few problems that popped up this week with investigators, but we have been seeing the Lord's hand in the work each and every day here. I've said it a lot, but our God is so loving! I know that he isn't just an idea or a feeling. but he is real. He knows each of us personally and he loves us. Remember, pray always. read always. & go to the temple regularly! Gotta always keep up these celestial traditions :) 

Talk to you pronto,

Mosiah 27:14

Hermana Wood

p.s. Happy birthday shoutouts to 2 of my favorite little studs, Ry and Cato!!
Pics: companion made me a cute sign, eros and his grandpa at church, avocados are heavenly here, ricotto rellenooo

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