Felices Fiestas Patrias!

Thursday, August 3, 2017


First off-happy birthday today to JAREN!! Celebrating there in spirit-love you so much. 
Hope everyone had a great week! It was an eventful week here. The day of Peru was Friday and they went all out here. Seriously the whole city decked out in red and white, music, all of the schools marching in the streets, and lots of food!! Feels like everyone fed us cake and hot chocolate this week haha. And it was the day of Zamacola Saturday so the streets were filled with lots of celebrating this week. 

Our investigator pool is getting bigger and bigger! The bishop referred us to a less active-member this week and we got so lost while searching for this house. We asked directions in a store and got talking with the lady who works in the tienda, Julia, who is about 70 years old mas o menos. She is Jehovas Witness and she has so so many questions about our church. We ended up talking for a long time with her and clicked really quick. She says she has been looking for the truth because she has so many doubts with her religion. We were able to visit her about everyday this week, she came to church yesterday, and has a baptismal date for August 19! woot, she is great. 

We've still been visiting the family Vera this week, and they are so great. We are still teaching Analia as well. EFY is this week in Arequipa! We wanted so bad that Analia could go, but her mom wouldn't give her permission to miss school. She got permission to go for 1 day though, hopefully she enjoys it! Analia says that she knows what we are teaching is true, but her mom is a little tougher, because she is catholic and doesn't want Analia changing religions. poco a poco! 

We had the ward activity this week to celebrate 28 de Julio. It turned out perfect! Lots of people came and the ward loved it. All of the organizations decked out for their dances as well. We were able to pick up quite a few contacts of non members too! I will give more updates of the investigators next week. :) 

We met an inactive this week, Karen, she is 19 years old, and her family is active. We had a family night with them this week. We talked about the importance of the prayer and the Book of Mormon. Karen shared how she has had something missing in her life. She told us how much she misses the spirit and she feels so lost. We shared how it's never too late to turn to Christ. He is always reaching his hand out to us and he loves us so much! It was a really special lesson and finished up with Karen sharing a testimony and she told us she is going to change. She was able to come to church yesterday which made us real happy. :) Another testimony builder. We aren't alone here! We have a father in heaven who knows us so perfectly and he is always there. He is so loving. He loves each and every one of us more than we can imagine. The poorest, the richest, the saints, and the sinners just as much as he loves you and me. He loves us enough to let us hold his words in our hands. The Book of Mormon is TRUE. We are living in a time of lots of challenges and hardships. It is so important that we can all have our own personal testimonies of this book to protect us from the adversary. As pres. Monson says, If we read each day with a prayerful spirit we will be in conditions to resist temptations, listen to the voice of the spirit, and receive the help from our heavenly father each day. Never miss a day of reading this book! I know that this gospel brings happiness and more peace than anything in this world. The church is true! Know it, live it, and love it. Have a good one! xo

Mateo 10:39

Hermana Wood

Pics: going peruvian with the braids and all. Fruit stands are heavenly here! Baptism of Asiri, she has my heart! 

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