The Atonement of Jesus Christ

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Feliz Año Nuevo!! Yay for 2018! Gonna be a big year, so go make some big goals. :)

To be honest, this week was filled with a lot of false hope from investigators, so not too much to update. But it's all good because today's a new day. It's a new week, and a new year too!

In my studies this week, I found myself getting stuck on the same topic every single day. The atonement of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for the atonement. The atonement is the only way that we can make it back to our father in Heaven one day. I believe that every single one of us should have to experience just a little bit of what Christ experienced. Because when we have trials, hardships, we rely on him. We need his help, and his help is always available to us. I know that the Savior came to earth to suffer and die for us, but as Elder Bednar said, he wants to LIVE in each and every one of us. He wants to help us, guide us, and give us the power to overcome the trials. The atonement is for the sinners, but it's just as much for the saints. It helps the bad people turn to good people and the good people turn to better people. It helps us strive to become our best selves. Thanks to the infinite atonement, we can repent. We can feel free from the guilt, the pain, because we get second chances. The Savior knows us. He knows the silent pleadings of our hearts, and he understands us perfectly. Every ounce of pain he felt was for you and for me. The key is that we just have to let him in. Let him LIVE in us. Turn to him!

I love the words of Elder Holland: "With the gift of the atonement of Jesus Christ and the strength of heaven to help us, we CAN improve. And the great thing about the gospel is we get credit for trying, even if we don't always succeed." Put your trust in him, he is there to help us. And keep HIM in mind as we set our goals for this year. Sorry for a short email, have a great week!


Mosiah 24:14-15

hermana wood

pics: my favorite little kids, and I thought my mango addiction was bad before... , and this little guy that didn't wanna leave my bed (cockroach season)

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