Gisel is a Member!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

A reallyyyy happy week over here in Primavera! I am mindblown by these miracles we have been seeing over here. Seriously everyday we have been seeing more and more the hand of our Father in Heaven. I feel so blessed to be a missionary!

A few stories from the week:

José: He is a 14 year old that we have been teaching, but he doesn't seem 14. He is so smart, has the best questions, and is so receptive. We have been teaching him for a couple weeks now and he has been praying for about 2 weeks asking if these things are true, and if he should get baptized in the church or no. This week we talked more about the importance of following the Savior's example for us, and he said that he was going to pray and ask with even more faith to find out if what we are teaching is true. The next day when we went to visit him. He was already waiting at the door for us and had a smile on his face. We asked him what happened and he told us he received his answer. He prayed and prayed the night before, and he told us: "after about 10 minutes of praying, I felt this sensation. Its like nothing I have ever felt before and I just don't know how to put it into words. My soul felt like it just leaped and I felt something so so strong in my chest. It was so special, I just don't even know how to put it into words." He went on to say how he knows this is the true church and he will be baptized the 27th. :)

Hermana Virginia: We went to go visit one of our investigators, Lourdes, this week who lives at the outskirts of our area. When we went to her house she told us that her husband told us she can't listen to us anymore, and she can't let us in anymore. It was kind of sad to hear because she was progressing, but yeah. We were so far away from any other investigators' houses, so we just started contacting. A lady, who was walking really fast, passed us in the street and Hermana Liza and I both felt something strong telling us to talk to her. We felt it in the same moment and looked at each other confirming the decision by the looks on our faces. We ran back to catch up with her, and introduced ourselves, sharing a little bit of our message. She's about 45 and she told us she was baptized when she was 13 in Icca, but stopped going to church when she moved to Tacna at 16 years old. She was out of time because she was running to catch a combi for work, but she told us to visit her that night so that we could talk more. We went to her house that night and sure enough... she's a miracle. She has 6 daughters and none of them are members. 21, 18, 15, 11, 7, and 5 years old. Long story short, she has been praying for help in her life and especially for her daughters because they are passing through some bigger trials. And we just happened to be the answer to her prayers. We had 2 lessons with them this week and the WHOLE family came to church yesterday. The daughters are awesome and we are just so excited about them.

GISEL got baptized!!! Her baptism was so special and she was so so happy. she shared in her testimony after the baptism that when we was in the water she felt like she went back to her mom's tummy and was born again! It was a really happy day for her. She also signed up for mission prep at institute this week, so next step: mission! ;) 

Oh and a huuuuge birthday shoutout to the best daddio in the whole world this week!!!!


Alma 24

Hermana wood

fotos: more pictures of Deseret and Sebastian because I just love them, and Gisel's baptism!

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