So Protected

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Time is flying so fast, I feel like I just wrote you guys yesterday? But this was an eventful week! We have continued to see the hand of our Father in Heaven each and every day this week.. but definitely in different ways this week! He has totally protected us.

There were a couple crazy experiences this week so I will just share a little because I'm short on time. Virginia and her family are great. Literally so so prepared. Whenever people want to turn over to our heavenly father, the adversary always plays his best part as well. A few days ago after a lesson with Vanina (one of Virginia's daughters) we made some little alfajores. Hermana Liza and I couldn't stay for long because we had ward counsel, so we left after making the dough. When we went to visit the family on Saturday, they told us "the kitchen still is a little bit of a mess, but the new windows will be coming tomorrow". What? We were super confused.. they went on to tell us that shortly after we had left their house the day we made the alfajores, when Vanina went to turn on the oven.. it blew up, blowing up their whole kitchen, windows, doors, everything. There apparently was a problem with the gas that they didn't know about. The miracle: Vanina is completely fine. She was even wearing glasses and unlike all of the windows, they didn't shatter at all. Vanina is definitely shaken up, but is totally fine. So crazy. So this day with them, we taught them about the restauration of the gospel. We showed a video of Joseph Smith's experience and they understood it great. At the end my companion was asking them the question: Will you pray and ask if Joseph Smith really was a prophet of God? Literally in THIS moment.. EARTHQUAKE. The ground started to shake, they started to scream and in a split second we were up and all huddled in a big group hug in the middle of their home. (not to mention they live on the 3rd floor..) I have felt quite a few earthquakes being out here on the mission, but this one.. this one was different. It was so strong, long and really shook us up. The girls were crying and screaming, but in this moment I felt like time kind of froze. I was looking at this humble family holding hands, hugging for dear life, and somehow just felt so strongly the love of God. How material things didn't matter at all, but the family is what's most important. Luckily the earthquake stopped and we may have all been super in shock, but everyone was okay. As scary as it was, I just could feel that everything was going to be fine, and at peace. This family after told us they know these things we are teaching are true, because the adversary is putting crazy obstacles in their path to try and tear this family apart.

I feel so grateful to have a Heavenly Father who is always looking out for us, always. Their family went to church again yesterday and little by little are meeting more members, they are great. Also Jose is the best and Jimena (the daughter of Yusara) will be baptized the first week of February!

This week Pres. Godoy came to visit our mission and we had leadership conference with him in Arequipa which was so cool. It was fun to go back to Arequipa for 2 days too :) Thank you for all the prayers and support! I feel them everyday and I am oh so grateful. Have a happy week!

Hermana Wood

Ether 12:27
Pics: mission leader and his fam surprised me with this the day I hit 1 year ha, saw hermana Poulson at leadership conference! love her. plaza de tacna & alfajores with vanina.. before the kitchen blew up

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