Hermano Raul

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Buenos días! Hope everyone had a happy semana. :)

So transfers are today, but we don't have transfers.. YAY! I love my area so much and honestly would be fine spending the rest of my mission here ha. This is hermana Liza's last transfer of the mission.. so I will be her final compañera! Shes the sweetest, and we get along great.

We call our Primavera, our area, the promised land because the miracles here.... wowwww. We are mind blown by the miracles we see every week! So grateful. We are sticking around as the hermana Leaders and hermana Cejas (my daughter ha) came to Moquegua and is training so I will get to see her and my "granddaughter" in divisions!! 

José has his baptism tomorrow!! It was going to be Saturday, but so that his parents can come, it will be tomorrow. His sister is a member, and his parents are investigators. They are so sweet, it's just hard with them because they are always traveling for work, so it's tough to have a lot of contact with them. But they will be able to go to the baptism tomorrow! José already had his interview and is all good to go. :)

The Roque family is doing great and a few of the daughters have a baptism date planned for the 24th of February. Valentina and Genesis, 2 of the daughters, have the chicken pox right now.. what is it with the things that happen to this family? ha But they are the best.

Something cool that happened this week: We went to Yusara's house and she still hadn't quite got home, so while we were waiting for her, we started knocking the houses of her neighbors. When we knocked one of the doors, Raul (40 years old more or less) answered the door and after talking for a minute, he told us he is a member, but inactive. He is from Chile, and while in Chile he was a branch president, mission leader, bishop's counselor, young men's president, super active. He got divorced about 7 years ago and with the divorce and all, he left the church. Just a couple years ago he got married to a Peruvian who isn't a member. They have 2 kids-a 3 year old and a brand new baby. He told us that in these past couple weeks he has had the strongest impressions that he needs to go back to church. Literally, every single day of these past couple weeks he has been thinking about the church, and how he can go back. I know that it wasn't by coincidence that we knocked his door. He said how he will never be able to deny that the church is true. It has changed his life and he feels so guilty for leaving it. He wants his wife to be able to go to church and get involved as well. We put on an activity night for the ward this week and they were able to go!! Excited to be working more with them this week. 

Other thing that made me really happy this week: Gisel, who was just baptized, asked us for a Book of Mormon to give to a friend who is going through a hard time. She wrote her testimony in it and was so happy to share it with him. As a missionary, the baptisms are super special, but what's even more special is what happens after the baptism. When the converts can share their testimonies with others, its the coolest! 

Thanks for all the support and love! Love you all, love my Savior, and love this work! 

hermana Wood

2 cor. 5:7

pics: made ceviche de pota with hermana Susan because we can't eat ceviche with fish ha, all of the olives that hermana Virginia gave to us this week as a gift, and one of our investigators little birds

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