Words can't describe it

Monday, March 5, 2018

Ok words can’t express the happiness that I have felt this week. I feel so so humbled and GRATEFUL to be a missionary. So many confirmations received this week of why I am serving here in Peru right now. Why I have the companion that I have. Why I am serving in this area, primavera. I know I am exactly where the Lord needs me and that alone makes me really happy.

Saturday Paty was baptized, and yesterday Valentina was baptized. When someone has truly been converted, it is the most special thing to be a part of their conversion process. I was trying to think of what to compare it to.. I thought of cheering under the Friday night lights in the Lavell Edwards Stadium, or passing American Heritage with an A grade, or crossing the finish line of a half marathon, or sticking a beam routine with a 9.7. but no.. this kind of happiness is even BETTER. I just can’t describe it! The Church is true. It changes lives. When we met the Roque family, Paty was the one that didn’t want anything to do with us. She literally avoided us when we would go to visit them. But little by little she let us teach her, she made friends with the YSA, she let the Book of Mormon change her, and now she is a new person. A few minutes before her baptism was about to start, she called us out into the hallway and broke down crying. It scared us, we asked what was happening and the only words she could get out were "my grandma, my grandma". Her grandma passed away 3 years ago and we haven’t talked too much about her. But she said that in this moment she could somehow feel her grandma so close. She knew her grandma was there with her. She had never ever felt anything like this before. I believe that her grandma already accepted the gospel over there in the spirit world. Thanks to Paty’s decision, Paty can get baptized for her grandma and the rest of the family that has already passed on. Thanks to the temples and ordinances. It was so special and Paty is this example for her family who is also following in her footsteps. Valentina’s baptism was so special as well. When we first contacted Virginia, her mom, in the street, Valentina was there as well. She practically didn’t talk at all, but just looked at us smiling the whole time. Yesterday when she bore her testimony after the baptism I had a flashback to that first moment when I saw her in the street. The same smile and beautiful Valentina, but now she just has this glow, and even just being 11 years old she has changed as well. Was NOT by coincidence that we contacted them in the street 2 months ago. Also for about a month, us and the other ward leaders have been searching in the church systems looking for Virginia’s records in the church from when she got baptized about 35 years ago. Nothing. We have not found any record with her name. this week, We had to go all the way to phone calls with the church offices in Salt Lake and they couldn’t find anything either. So they told us that Virginia has to get baptized again.

oh and Bruno? He is golden. So prepared. He went to the baptisms this week and after Valentina’s baptism told us that he doesn’t want to wait any longer, he already wants to get baptized. He already has lots of friends in the ward, he knows all the leaders, has all the lessons, and ya so he will be baptized this Friday. My comp, Hermana Liza, finishes her mission this week so it will be cool that she will be able to be in Bruno’s baptism:) The church is truer than ever. I have a testimony that our father in heaven is so loving. I know that from trials come BLESSINGS. So if you’re struggling, keep pushing forward with your faith in Christ, because the blessings are right around the corner. Pray, fast, study the scriptures, and the Lord can help. He knows us perfectly and has already passed through everything we are going through. I love my Savior. He lives. and I know he loves me! Have a great week, xo

Hermana Wood

3 nephi 5:13

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